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Green Lantern #13 Preview/Spoilers

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  • #16
    This issue feels a bit odd, like everything is starting over. I believe this should have been #1 in the nu52.

    It may have been a better transition for newer fans. I did enjoy the relationship between Hal and Sinestro though


    • #17
      Exactly one page of Hal and Sinestro again (if you can call it that). Exactly what I figured.

      It's not a bad issue, but it does feel odd. They have long, epic story arc after long apic story arc and then - BAM! New lead, grounded story. It feels like I'm reading a different comic than the one I've been reading for the past few years. I agree, this should have been the new #1 of the new 52, not what we got.


      • #18
        The pacing did feel weird.


        • #19
          Originally posted by W.West View Post
          Wasn't a bad issue, just extremely boring and not headed anywhere near interesting
          Exactly what I thought when I looked at it, and for the first time in years, I didn't buy Green Lantern. It has saddened and pissed me off. I fucking hate that Hal and Sinestro and Black Hand weren't in this issue and we continue off where the annual left off.
          No Sir, I punched the viceroy in the stomach, then I headbutted him in the face. Sir.-Hal Jordan

          Villain Draft (Best Team Winner)/Proud Supporter of the DCnU


          • #20
            I'd classify this one as a miss. Green Lantern didn't even appear outside of a recording. I buy the book for Green Lantern, and he definately WASN'T the star of this issue. Shame shame DC. Paying for a book and only getting breadcrumbs is REALLY starting to wear thin on me. Having Hal Jordan become a supporting character in his own book is disgraceful enough. But to be knocked down to cameo appearances? I'm seriously considering dumping the whole thing and walking away from GL and comics altogether.

            Hellblazer hits #300 in February. DC has until then to change my mind. After that, I might just be done.


            • #21
              I didn't want or care about this new guy. But I gave him a chance and read the 0 issue and this one. It didn't change my mind so far. I still don't want or care about this new guy. I guess for the first time in 20 years I'm not going to be able to enjoy reading Green Lantern comics. Looks like I'll have to wait another 20 for the New 52 universe to go away and a new reboot comes.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Big Daddy Dave View Post
                Having Hal Jordan become a supporting character in his own book is disgraceful enough. But to be knocked down to cameo appearances? I'm seriously considering dumping the whole thing and walking away from GL and comics altogether.

                Hellblazer hits #300 in February. DC has until then to change my mind. After that, I might just be done.
                That's why I dropped it. I'm not going to pay $3.00 for a book where the character I want to read about is essentially not present. This single panel stuff feels like a way for DC to try to keep people who would otherwise drop the book around while they establish Simon. It's their call, I just choose not to participate. I'm not opposed to reading about Simon at all, just don't introduce him at the expense of another character a lot of people (not all) have cared about for decades.


                • #23
                  Exactly. Taking the main character out of the book should be done sparingly, but DC does it all the time with Hal. I don't read the book to find out what everybody BUT him is doing every month, I read it for Hal Jordan and his life and adventures. At least with John and Guy there was a hook in that they were already part of GL mythology. Kyle was seemingly out of the desire to revitalize the books (as much as I hated it). This guy seems to just be here to show the plight of the misunderstood muslim, and I don't give a shit.

                  My list of books that I legitimately enjoy is pretty damn small right now. I will hang on until February because I've been buying Hellblazer since #1 hit the shelf in 1987 when I was 13, so I have a real desire to see it play out to #300. But GL is what anchors me to this hobby. If I can't enjoy GL, it might be time for me to walk away from colecting comics altogether. I'm tired about being the pissed off angry comic fan. I have other interests and other fandoms I can enjoy.


                  • #24
                    i thought the issue was ok but just like alot of u i rather be reading about hal or the other earth lanterns we have stuck with. Maybe johns will keep baz for a while and then sacrifice him someway to save someone or for the greater good. idk 5 lanterns for earth is too much.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by TorchBearer2814 View Post
                      i thought the issue was ok but just like alot of u i rather be reading about hal or the other earth lanterns we have stuck with. Maybe johns will keep baz for a while and then sacrifice him someway to save someone or for the greater good. idk 5 lanterns for earth is too much.
                      Johns did hint at SDCC that The Third Army could be Guy's downfall. If that's true I doubt we'll have 5 for long.


                      • #26
                        The information concerning Kyle was far more interesting than the rest of the book.
                        The last fan of 1990s comics
                        Read my Green Lantern blog The Indigo Tribe


                        • #27
                          In my opinion, since issue #1 until now I don't think Hal is just a supporting character. Especially in the Indigo tribe arc and black hand return arc, it’s much more focus on Hal than in Brightest Day and Green Lantern War period. I was quite satisfied in past 7 months. Compare to the idiot green jerk in JL title, I can see in GL title Hal is finally going to take responsibilities of his life, of his destiny (or something). That made me regain faith on Geoff Johns, and also makes me hate this break since GL#0. I like Baz’s story and I think this character has great potential. I just wish they create a special limit to feature him.


                          • #28
                            The issue did feel werid in reading but its the new guy feel and how the book shapes up. ust a basice read and intro to Simon in GL boots. The way his costume is drawn look boring and not really orginal unless thats how a newbie would do so.


                            • #29
                              I am reminded of the interlude in GL Volume 2, issues 182-198, when John Stewart was being established. Hal was a non-powered civilian who had quit the GL Corps in disgust, a sidebar character in his own book. We seem to be re-inventing the past...and with the pending release of the trade paperback version of that very same era, methinks it's a deliberate re-inventing of the past. I did not like GL during that time either. This is a great story arc for a hiatus in purchasing the book. Trouble is, those of us who took hiatus in purchasing the book back then reduced the circulation figures so drastically that DC re-molded the book (as Green Lantern Corps) and, 24 issues later, cancelled it entirely for some years. In the revived title, Hal only lasted to issue #50, and that was with eight or nine issues devoted to John and Guy besides.

                              Choice is yours, folks. Support the book, or not. Support it and be disappointed, feel like you've wasted $3.00 a month. Don't support it and see it cancelled, and be disappointed anyway, but save the $3.00 a month--and pick up the books at HPB or in quarter bins down the line.

                              Disappointed writers will flood the comboxes and e-mail of the originators. You know where to post your views.

                              Dave, hang in there, it might get better. Don't leave yet. Congrats on an amazing run of Hellblazer.

                              Did anyone else find the DC previews too small to read?

                              The power of will is found at the deepest level of your being. It's more than mere rules. It's a duty that you must honor.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by JohnMc View Post
                                Johns did hint at SDCC that The Third Army could be Guy's downfall. If that's true I doubt we'll have 5 for long.
                                i dont think people will respond to that kindly lol

