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Green Lanterns: Rebirth #1 *Preview/Spoilers*

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    Guardian Of The Universe

  • Robinson
    wow, I just saw this little meltdown.

    that was pitiful

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  • Space Cop
    The Dandy

  • Space Cop
    Originally posted by Star-Lantern View Post
    Simon was in the final issue of Lost Army. It's just shoddy writing and continuity.
    Forgot that. Thanks. Yeah, it's really a mess. If they just had the Corps back, I'd say they were pulling a Marvel and setting up a different continuity (like JLA did), but it's like they're picking some elements of LA/EoO and ignoring other parts. Weird.

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  • Star-Lantern
    Weaponer of Qward

  • Star-Lantern
    Originally posted by Space Cop View Post
    I'd have to say that they're actually playing it like he stayed on earth, thus playing off Lost Army (where he wasn't seen), but ignoring EoO.
    Simon was in the final issue of Lost Army. It's just shoddy writing and continuity.

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  • EmeraldGladiator
    Manhunter Repairman

  • EmeraldGladiator
    ok so 5 stars is the best ever: Sinestro Corps War, COIE or Great Darkness Saga, 4 stars is pretty good Morrisson's JLA run, 3 stars ok but nothing special Blackest Night, 2 is meh and 1 star is "a tree died for this" + "I'll never get those few minutes back". On that scale it gets two stars, not the worst read, and who knows it might improve.

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  • Space Cop
    The Dandy

  • Space Cop
    Originally posted by BLACK HAND View Post
    ...Simon comes off as a jerk (why doesn't he know what happened to the corps when he was with them in Edge of Oblivion?)...
    I'd have to say that they're actually playing it like he stayed on earth, thus playing off Lost Army (where he wasn't seen), but ignoring EoO.

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    Green Lantern Initiate

    I'm still not very into the new Lanterns but I liked the story, the art was cool, Atrocious looked incredible, seems like there are some sufficently horrific challenges on the horizon, but the characters don't work for me. Simon comes off as a jerk (why doesn't he know what happened to the corps when he was with them in Edge of Oblivion?) and I don't get how someone afraid to go into public could be worthy of a power ring. I'm in it to see where it goes, it was an okay issue, but like I said just not into the characters.

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  • Space Cop
    The Dandy

  • Space Cop
    ^^I thought the same thing, but I suppose he could have gone power hungry. My mother had a coworker that was really friendly and everyone loved, but they made him boss and he became a standoffish tyrant in the workplace. Maybe Simon has management syndrome--he finally gets one GL even greener than him (no pun intended) and he wants to pull rank.

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  • Mister Ed
    Horse of a Different Color

  • Mister Ed
    Y'know what, though? Granted that I haven't seen much of Baz in a while, and he never made all that much of an impression on me, I still got the same vibe off this as I did off John Stewart in Cosmic Odyssey, that they changed the character's personality into something more obnoxious and overconfident (arrogant almost) just so he could fill a certain role in the story. In his interactions with Jessica, he seems kind of insufferable, and tries to portray himself as a seasoned GL, and I don't recall him acting like that ever before...

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  • Sylent_Asassin
    Black Lantern

  • Sylent_Asassin
    Man, that was entertaining!

    Last night, I read a couple of GL issues for the first time in MONTHS, and that's partially why I haven't been around lately. I don't want to get spoiled by the convo here. I'm going try and get back into reading regularly, but it's been tough... and Tan isn't helping.

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  • Big Daddy Dave Skywalker
    Moisture Farmer

  • Big Daddy Dave Skywalker
    Originally posted by Star-Lantern View Post
    I gave the comic one star because I'm against the premise of the whole thing. I really think these new characters are completely unnecessary and ultimately detrimental and I'm not excited about seeing Green Lanterns fighting Red Lanterns. Honestly, the fight with the Sinestro Corps in the other book makes sense for how the story has been building for the past two or so years, so it seems inevitable, but this Red Lantern thing, teamed with these characters, teamed with Larfleeze, who appears on the cover of a upcoming issue, gives me the impression that this entire book is just here to stroke Geoff Johns' ego.

    As for how this particular comic was executed... it was... okay-ish. The dialogue/monologues weren't bad until Baz and Cruz met, at which point I felt their rivalry was forced and unfolded way too quick for what was going on. There were instances of good art, and some awkward stuff, in my opinion. The action, what little there was, was dull and uninteresting. So, there was nothing that changed my mind about my feelings about this current direction, but the comic wasn't the worst I've ever read. I did read the preview for the upcoming Green Lanterns #1, and I just thought that was altogether bad.

    I'm thinking that HJ&TGLC will be the good title, and GLs will be the crap rainbow brigade title. The former has all of the characters that are worth a shit, heroes and villains. The latter is pretty much everybody I want kept AWAY from the GL mythos.

    Maybe this was by design. DC HAS to know this title is going to flop. It has fail written all over it. HJ&TGLC will be the title to survive once this twice a month thing wears out it's welcome and DC is ready to start wave two.

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  • Star-Lantern
    Weaponer of Qward

  • Star-Lantern
    I gave the comic one star because I'm against the premise of the whole thing. I really think these new characters are completely unnecessary and ultimately detrimental and I'm not excited about seeing Green Lanterns fighting Red Lanterns. Honestly, the fight with the Sinestro Corps in the other book makes sense for how the story has been building for the past two or so years, so it seems inevitable, but this Red Lantern thing, teamed with these characters, teamed with Larfleeze, who appears on the cover of a upcoming issue, gives me the impression that this entire book is just here to stroke Geoff Johns' ego.

    As for how this particular comic was executed... it was... okay-ish. The dialogue/monologues weren't bad until Baz and Cruz met, at which point I felt their rivalry was forced and unfolded way too quick for what was going on. There were instances of good art, and some awkward stuff, in my opinion. The action, what little there was, was dull and uninteresting. So, there was nothing that changed my mind about my feelings about this current direction, but the comic wasn't the worst I've ever read. I did read the preview for the upcoming Green Lanterns #1, and I just thought that was altogether bad.

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  • Big Blue Lantern
    Corps Honor Guard

  • Big Blue Lantern
    Me, coming into this thread and seeing the posts of the last 24 hrs.

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  • Big Daddy Dave Skywalker
    Moisture Farmer

  • Big Daddy Dave Skywalker
    Had a busy day, but GOT just ended so I should make time to comment. The guy was clearly trying to go out in a blaze of troll glory. He went off on Hypo for no reason other than questioning his logic. Could I let that go? Sure, but the poster was itching for it and it was going to go on.

    We get a lot of flack (deservedly so) for letting Tazz back again and again for sheer amusement when things were too quiet. That's on me as much as any other mod if not more. We like to play it loose and let posters have fun here busting each other's balls, but that's not what KD was going for, I assure you. I've dealt with too many TRUE trolls in my time.

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  • Booster Beetle
    Will break before he bends

  • Booster Beetle

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  • Jeff
    Guardian of the Universe

  • Jeff
    Originally posted by Big Daddy Dave Targaryen I View Post
    so let me get this straight: You read the issue You hated it, or at least hated it enough to rate it one star.

    THEN, you chat with EVS, and when he appeals to you to give it a chance, in a pathetic attempt to lick his boots you decide you were wrong and now it's all great. You sir, are all kinds of awesome The best kind of comic fan. I can't tell you how much I value your opinion on the subject of comic books now.
    I'm reading this outside as I have a smoke, and I just laughed so loud it echoed into the field and forest and even pissed off the naughty dogs living two houses down. WORD. Lolololololololol

    I shit you not: I found these already made up on teh intarwebs (it's like they knew I was coming)

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