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Green Lanterns and Hal Jordan & The Green Lantern Corps Announced

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    Originally posted by Big Daddy Dave Targaryen I View Post
    Baz and the other one need to just be killed off in some battle like cannon fodder. Like you would do for an unnamed alien GL with the ring flying away to look for a new bearer. And then have nobody in the Corps even mention it like they never knew they existed.

    Bring back/fix Oa. Super lame that it's STILL gone.

    Bring back and fix the Guardians. Not the medieval looking ones, but ones that have been serving for billions of years. That bit of stupidity needs to be undone.

    Get rid of the emotional spectrum. All of the entities. All of the Corps save the GLC and Sinestro Corps. Sever the connection to emotions because it's a horrid idea. Will isn't a fucking emotion. Say the yellow works on Qwardian technology again, while the green comes from the Guardians' bodies like it used to.

    All of the other colors, their corps, characters, etc just disappear forever.
    I wouldn't kill off Baz and Cruz, but otherwise that's what I'd do. I'd also get rid of the Sinestro Corps. And I'd have at least one GL title based on Earth.

    That's what the people who fought to get Hal and the Corps back in the first place wanted to see.

    I've never thought of it this way before, but everything that Geoff added to it should have gone away when Geoff's era ended.
    Trey Strain
    Guardian of the Universe
    Last edited by Trey Strain; 04-02-2016, 01:57 PM.


    • Fought?


      • It was a fight that played out on the old DC boards. DC Comics did NOT want to do it. Or at least someone high up, maybe Jeanette Kahn, didn't. Geoff got on the right side of that argument, and he talked Peter Tomasi into doing it. But it didn't happen until Kahn left.

        Anyway, nobody was calling for an emotional spectrum, or for more Earth Lanterns, or for Hal to run the Corps, or anything like that.
        Trey Strain
        Guardian of the Universe
        Last edited by Trey Strain; 04-05-2016, 04:46 PM.


        • Hindsight is always acute though, and looking back on it, signs of problems cropped up immediately. Joe Kelly wrote Legacy: The Last Will and Testament of Hal Jordan, which was supposed to herald the the return of the GLC minus Hal in Green Lantern #150 of that series. Hal's return could be worked out later.

          But no! Geoff said the GLC should not return without Hal, and he got the return delayed by TWO YEARS so he would work Hal into it in his Rebirth story.

          So right there was the evidence that it was going to be Hal-centric. That didn't become clear until much later though.


          • Originally posted by EmeraldGladiator View Post
            I don't know,if I can be less excited. I have zero interest in Green Lanterns, the heroes of the villains. Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corp book has all the characters I know and love crammed into one book with a great artist but a,writer that has yet to move me. Color me underwhelmed.
            I thought most of the Rebirth announcements were pretty cool, but underwhelmed is the exact word that I said when I heard Venditti is still on a GL book. I do love EVS art, so I will check it out, but art can only get you so far in a series of stories that start off semi-interesting and each one ends in a dull roar.

            I'm still trying to figure out how one can make a Parallax v. Renegade Hal showdown into a yawner. The build up was really well done too.

            Ah well.

            Sales will determine how long some of the new changes last. At least they have yet to kill a pile of GLs off to set up the new direction...

            “Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will.” ― Mahatma Gandhi


            • I'm ending my pull files, as of June, which will free me up to just try the two new titles to see if I want to continue. I don't want going to the comic book store to be an obligation anymore; I want it to be a fun thing like it used to. The last few years I'll skip a few weeks and then go in because I know there is a pile of trades, hardcovers, and Game Of Thrones figurines piling up, and I don't want the store owner to sit on crap I ordered. This way, by cancelling my file, I can go in and try the two titles and come back if I like them or not come back.

              I know the title with the terrorist and the Mexican chick is going to be the drizzling shits...but there is always a CHANCE that I may like the main title. Even if it's a small one.


              • REBIRTH Brings HAL Back To The GREEN LANTERN CORPS
                Nrama: We know that Sinestro is a big part of this book, and that he’s now in command of Warworld.

                Correct! We open #1 with Sinestro parking Warworld at Sector 0, which is the location of the Green Lantern headquarters, where it’s always been. But with the Green Lantern Corps absent, Sinestro is going to fill that void and take control of the universe. When we open our story, he’s taken over as the police force in the universe and never even had to fire a shot, and this is the story of what happens next. How does Hal reunite with the Corps? How the they come and unseat this uber-powerful Corps of Yellow Lanterns, and restore themselves as the police force of the universe.
                Nrama: Fair enough. Let’s talk about the Corps. Who are the characters from the Corps, other than Hal, who you’re really connecting with?

                John Stewart, for one. I’ve always liked John Stewart, going back to the animated series. I’m a huge John Stewart fan. But also Guy Gardner kind of surprised me. I’ve never had a chance to write Guy before. He’s always been kind of a lunkhead to me, but I found out he’s actually really fun to write. Then you’ve got the classics – Kilowog, Arisia…
                Nrama: That kind of goes along with the idea of “legacy” which is so important in Rebirth. On that note, I have to ask, will Kyle Rayner appear in this series?

                Absolutely! You’ll see him very early on, we do have plans for Kyle. I don’t want to go into them too much because I don’t want to step on what’s gonna happen in Omega Men leading up to that, which is a phenomenal series by Tom King. But yes, Kyle will be there, and perhaps the best part of all of it is this is gonna be brought to you by Ethan Van Sciver, and artist who is synonymous with Green Lantern and Rebirth, and also Rafa Sandoval who I’ve worked with before on X-O Manowar, and he does phenomenal work on a cosmic scale, with spaceships and aliens and all of that stuff. Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps is the book I want to be on, with the collaborators I want to be collaborating with, and I couldn’t be more excited about it.


                • Sinestro controls the universe. Yeah, right.



                  • You can already tell Humphries has no business being on this book just by reading the 4th threat assessment

                    How can a Rogue Guardian create something more powerful than a ring when he just said in the previous sentence that the ring is the MOST powerful weapon in the universe?


                    • Originally posted by Booster Beetle View Post

                      How can a Rogue Guardian create something more powerful than a ring when he just said in the previous sentence that the ring is the MOST powerful weapon in the universe?


                      • Originally posted by Booster Beetle View Post
                        You can already tell Humphries has no business being on this book just by reading the 4th threat assessment

                        How can a Rogue Guardian create something more powerful than a ring when he just said in the previous sentence that the ring is the MOST powerful weapon in the universe?
                        Shhhhh Booster, it'll be ok.


                        • Hey, the Green Lanterns overthrew the beings who created the rings and the Corps in the first place. And Hal Jordan was better suited to run the Corps than they were. How much sense did that make?


                          • Originally posted by Hypo View Post
                            Shhhhh Booster, it'll be ok.


                            • Originally posted by Booster Beetle View Post
                              You can already tell Humphries has no business being on this book just by reading the 4th threat assessment

                              How can a Rogue Guardian create something more powerful than a ring when he just said in the previous sentence that the ring is the MOST powerful weapon in the universe?
                              I haven't even read it yet and I can tell that title is going to be the drizzling shits.


                              • Having Ethan Van Sciver back on art is really the only thins that has got me excited for Rebirth.

                                Green Lantern's Light!


