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The Wonder Woman Thread

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  • Blood’s Blood — Brian Azzarello on Wonder Woman (Audio)


    • Some quotes from the interview:

      "When Cliff and I decided to do it, it was a 3 year long pitch but just in case, we had a parachute for us leaving in 12 issues."

      "No, it will end in 3 years. We're leaving then."

      "Tony Akins did Poseidon in one sketch. I said 'Aww man, that's fucking perfect. Leave it.' "

      "I think [Wonder Woman] has to be probably the best fighter in the DCU. Better than Batman. Batman was trained, she was raised that way."

      "I didn't want to have any reference for the older stories. Its the New52, lets go new. Lets not rely on what came before"

      "They[DC] weren't thinking of me! It all came about when I was at dinner with Dan DiDio and we were discussing me doing another character. Prior to the New52. He was discussing rebooting some of these characters to be a little different and I asked him what was going to happen with Wonder Woman. He told me and I was like 'You can't do that. You are going to fundamentally hurt that character.' Then I explained pretty much what has happened in our story and by the end of that dinner I was writing Wonder Woman. He wanted me to write both of these characters and I was like 'No, let me just concentrate on Wonder Woman.' "

      "Lets say a few years prior, there were some discussions about the direction of the character(Wonder Woman) that I didn't like but I didn't say anything because I didn't like the character. Now I do."

      "There is no glory in war anymore. Its brutal. Its killing. Its tiresome. [Ares] reflects that."

      On Wonder Woman leaving her dysfunctional family: "She is not the kind of person to give up on family, at all. If anything, she might fight fire with fire. Blood is blood. For her, especially."

      "It made sense. He was part of the original proposal. At the end of the first year, we would introduce Orion into it. Just to kind of shake things up a bit. New Gods/Old Gods, it just made sense. Something that wasn't magic based like the Greek Gods."

      "Orion's kind of self centered. I dont think he can help it [on pushing Diana's buttons.] He's got a lot of Kenny fucking Powers in him."

      On being criticized for developing the cast over Diana: "I have [developed a large cast]. Is she suffering for it? Nah, I don't think so. She's got a great cast right now. Thats something we set out to do. Create something that she hasn't had before, thats different from these other worlds. Give her a Metropolis. Give her a Gotham City. Rather than make it a place, I want to make it a family."

      "Anybody's free to use these characters that we've come up with. I've talked to a few about that. There's a Wonder Girl right? Yeah, I think she's Lennox's daughter. They talked to me about doing that. They wanted some sort of connection to Wonder Woman. And one of them was her mother was an Amazon that got exiled or something but I think what we decided on was making her Lennox's daughter. So Wonder Woman is her aunt."

      Will Wonder Girl show up in Wonder Woman: "No."

      "We wanted to come up with a foil for Diana that was brand new. First we said "Which God will it be?" Lets make a God that all the other Gods are afraid of. The first child of Hera and Zeus. Prophesied to take over they decided to kill the baby."

      "21, 22, 23 are very big. Very Big."

      Superman/Wonder Woman relationship impacting the book: "None. None at all. Superman is in enough books as it is, he doesn't need to be in Wonder Woman."


      • So let's say he does in fact leave after 3 years...does the new guy actually make use of what Azzarello created? Or does Wonder Woman go through yet another overhaul?


        • I think we'll just see a return of old. We may have Zola as a supporting character, but the family aspect will be lost and we'll just get regular superhero stories. I fully expect Greg Pak to take over the book. He seems like DC's new favorite writer.


          • Yea but a lot can change between now and the end of 2014...especially given DC's relationships with creators at the moment.


            • What are the chances Snyder does it to follow Grant's Trinity act? lol


              • He did say in interviews a while back that he wanted to take a crack at her and Azzarello went all Larfleeze on him (MINE!). So I'd say pretty good, especially with the success of Superman Unchained.


                • Wonder Woman #22, good stuff. That scene with Lennox at the end was fucking crazy. Like wtf...


                  • [spoilers]Yeah, I'm kind of hoping the New Gods integration goes much further than this issue. But yeah, was crazy to see what the First Born was able to accomplish in the time they were away.

                    Poor Lennox....

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                    • You would think that he just got messed up from the Boom Tube, but nope...First Born messed him up bad.

                      I loved the scene with Diana and Orion, but I was a little disappointed that we didn't get to see much of what made New Genesis so special.


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                        • Originally posted by W.West View Post
                          You would think that he just got messed up from the Boom Tube, but nope...First Born messed him up bad.

                          I loved the scene with Diana and Orion, but I was a little disappointed that we didn't get to see much of what made New Genesis so special.
                          Yeah, I really hope they return. I think there's still a lot to explore there.

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                          • Originally posted by W.West View Post
                            Pretty art is pretty.


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                              • I thought about it and I hope Snyder does write Wonder Woman after Azzarello leaves...just because I think it increases the chances of someone besides Johns writing an event book...I mean if he's writing the entire Trinity at once...

