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Where's all the Trinity hate coming from?

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  • Where's all the Trinity hate coming from?

    I've noticed that more than a few people here don't like SuperWonderBat very much. Has it always been this way for a lot of people, or this a reaction to the recent garbage DC's been pushing about how they're better than everyone else and they know it?

  • #2
    I like Bats and Supes.


    • #3
      I for one am the biggest Superwonderbat hater and it has always been that way for me.

      Its mostly due to the overproduction of the characters though there was a whole giant post I made a while ago
      My Ketogenic Journey


      • #4
        DC wouldn't exist without the Holy Trinity. I would never hate on any one of those 3 strong, amazing characters.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Jack-O-Lantern View Post
          DC wouldn't exist without the Holy Trinity. I would never hate on any one of those 3 strong, amazing characters.
          then you sir are my enemy and must perish! lol
          My Ketogenic Journey


          • #6
            I just don't care that much for the Trinity to get the weekly book. I'm probably just going to wait and get the trades if it's any good.


            • #7

              It's true though. As much as I love GL and always have more than any other DC or Marvel character mythos. I have to respect SuperWonderBat. They are each great in their own respects and deserve as much praise as they get. They were there from the start and haven't let down yet.

              Although I may slightly agree that they are played out and exist in the forefront over anyone else, they kind of have to. With history and the fmiliarality of all ages, there's no escaping it. They are DC's biggest cash cow at any rate.


              • #8
                Really, Bats hasn't let you down yet?

                Because he originally used a GUN!
                My Ketogenic Journey


                • #9
                  So wouldn't abandoning a gun be a step up?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by t67443 View Post
                    I just don't care that much for the Trinity to get the weekly book. I'm probably just going to wait and get the trades if it's any good.
                    Is it going to be made into hardcover? I hope so, since the story doesn't affect the DCU as a whole then I'd rather just get one big book.


                    • #11
                      I like the charcters in there own books, i just can't afford another weekly, I'd find a way to afford it if a Lantern was in it but as of now, 2 bats, 2 supes, and a wonderwoman book kind of take all my money


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by W.West View Post
                        Is it going to be made into hardcover? I hope so, since the story doesn't affect the DCU as a whole then I'd rather just get one big book.
                        Seems like DC is doing more to push trades of current storylines. I know that GL, JLA and JSA all come out as hardcover first but since 52 didn't I doubt Countdown will either I'm going to say Trinity won't be hardcover either.

                        Could be wrong but I think they already have they're model set.
                        Green Lantern
                        Last edited by t67443; 06-06-2008, 04:01 AM.


                        • #13
                          The Trinity has just killed themselves with me. As a Green Lantern fan we usually get crapped on so they can try to push another take on theese 3 on us. It is frustrating to See Marvel a full universe and see DC keep playing the same tune. I keep hearing that there is no market for non trinity DC superheroes,but every time I got to the store to find toys there they are warming the pegs. Then I have to go home empty handed with the fresh image in my head of a army of Batman,Superman figures laughing at me through thier plastic prisions.

                          I am tired of Batman superman Movies and Cartoons.Batman the animated series,Filmiation Batman,Batman beyound,the Batman,The New adventures of Batman and Superman,The new Direct to DVD Batman. for god's sake he even had a dog chacter in the Krypto show. Now I don't doubt that Green Lantern is,and more then likley will never be as popular as Batman and Superman. However to tell me that Krypto needs a cartoon more than Green Lantern is just insulting. The Trinity is just one insult to me after another.
                          Take life with a Grain of salt and a shot of tequila!


                          • #14
                            Batman is awesome... but I can't read his comics. I've tried just can't. Outside of his own books... i.e. in the JLA, love him. He's a great foil for other characters, he makes everyone around him better...

                            Superman... I liked him in Morrison's JLA... but again, not a fan of his solo stuff. Liked his spin off characters Steel and Superboy a lot...

                            Wonder Woman, well, not my thing, but at least we get bondage jokes out of it.


                            • #15
                              Rotten, you're looking at it from only way. Yes, Batman did not need a dog in the Krypto series, but the series was for children anyway. The show was made to capitalize off the Superman movie, and just as the GL movie will eventually be made, im sure you'll get your fix on figures possibly a cartoon. But it's not like the Trinity has 8 shows running at the same time! Why hate WW? If we can argue John Stewart as a token, we can argue WW being in prime position for gender reasoning. Simply put, I really can't see a reason to hate the Trinity, there are reasons not to pick up the series but no reason to be a hater...

