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Sinestro and Bekka sitting in a tree....

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    Green Lantern Initiate

  • Tarmode
    She might be the only that's around him that can kick his ass, maybe that's part of the turn on.

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  • Rotten2thecorps

  • Rotten2thecorps
    Yeah I have liked about nothing DC has done as oflate but I gotta admit I intrested to see where this is gonna go. I also gotta give kuddos to the writting team of making me change my minbd about Sinestro having a realtionship. When they did it with Abin's sister it seemed stupid and tacked on for the sake of plot twist. This actually doesnt feel tacked on.

    So since there is a interesting story there DC has gotta kill that title,no way will they let something cool slip through thier constant filter of crap.

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  • Space Cop
    The Dandy

  • Space Cop
    Not only that she's worthy of him, but he seems to want her to come to him irresistably.

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  • Rotten2thecorps

  • Rotten2thecorps
    started a topic Sinestro and Bekka sitting in a tree....

    Sinestro and Bekka sitting in a tree....

    And for some strange reason it dosen't bother me.

    I can't believe that I am pulling for this realtionship. I hate the New Gods. I the idea of Sinestro invovled with someone. I mean he always acted so superior and like no one was worthy of his time.

    I like this because Bekka is a goddess,and well Sinestro's ego may think just maybe this chick is good enough for him. and I like the idea of Bekka being drawn to him because he actaully likes her of his own free will.

    What do you guys think about Sinestro and Bekka?