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Looking for GL Watch

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  • Looking for GL Watch

    Anyone know of where to find a good GL watch? Was hoping to find a plain GL symbol-based watch. Would like to have the arms glow at least to see the time in the great if the numbers\ticks and\or face glowed a little as well.

    I found that Fossil used to make one, but they don't post it on the website any more.

    And I have been looking on eBay, but I see that some people have taken to Photoshop, printing out faces and pasting them in watches. In which case a lot tend to look a bit fake.

    Anybody help point me in the right direction? The wife is thinking of getting me one, but having a problem finding a decent one I like.
    For what shall it profit a man if he should gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

    Everybody who lives dies, but not everybody who dies has lived - No Fear

  • #2
    The Fossil one is the best I've ever seen, and they were ALL OVER eBay a couple years ago when I bought mine. Sadly, they seem to be much harder to find these days.

    Besides that one, there were some decent "fan made" ones that turned up a few years ago. I think they were made in China and being sold from Hong Kong, but they weren't bad, especially because the price was so low. How low? Get this... the auction I won for one, the price of the watch was 1¢...
    + $16.99 for S&H! So, basically, I got one shipped to my door, FROM HONG KONG, for only $17!

    Keep an eye on eBay, and if you see the Fossil one again, grab it. Excellent watch, well worth owning.


    • #3

      Yeah it's one of 2000 made so if you find one buy it i wear it every day and it works great


      • #4
        Yeah I've seen images of the Fossil watch online and I remember seeing it a couple times travelling a few years ago. (now kicking myself).

        I've even emailed Fossil in hopes they may have it in some sort of inventory, but that's a reach.

        Hey Jack... you wouldn't happen to have an image of this 'really good fan based' watch would you? Just curious to see what it looks like.

        Anyone else have suggestions or help me track one down?
        For what shall it profit a man if he should gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

        Everybody who lives dies, but not everybody who dies has lived - No Fear


        • #5
          Originally posted by Morph View Post
          Anyone else have suggestions or help me track one down?
          E B A Y


          • #6
            Originally posted by Old School View Post
            E B A Y
            Thanks Old School..... but as previously stated... I'm already looking there. I'm looking for other venue's (ie: LCS, stores, other websites, etc)
            For what shall it profit a man if he should gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

            Everybody who lives dies, but not everybody who dies has lived - No Fear


            • #7
              Originally posted by Morph View Post
              Thanks Old School..... but as previously stated... I'm already looking there. I'm looking for other venue's (ie: LCS, stores, other websites, etc)

              keep trying ebay, your find it there sooner than later


              • #8
                (304) 697-6120 - Purple Earth Comics

                This is in Huntington, West Virginia. Ask for John, he's the owner. I personally saw that he had a Fossil GL watch less than a week ago when I was in town.

                Tell him Travis Marcum sent you...he will ship it to you. He also has Sinestro and Hal Jordan busts. He has a lot of GL stuff that I captalized on, so I'd jump on it if I were you. Hell of a guy, willing to help.


                • #9
                  JC Penny had some, not sure if they still do.


                  • #10

                    still trying to track down this watch as I still really want to get one. anyone?? seen or know where I can get one.

                    ((and please don't say ebay. been watching and nothing like that has come up in almost a year))

                    I have a lead on one, but that lead has been dragging out for almost 6-8 months now.

                    thanks for any help.
                    For what shall it profit a man if he should gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

                    Everybody who lives dies, but not everybody who dies has lived - No Fear


                    • #11
                      JCPENNY or so sells an armitron one got it for xmas
                      The Daleks you have the ability to instill great Fear welcome to the Sinestro Corps.
                      Response--- Wel---come? No We must Ex--ter---min---ate Sinestro


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by BLUELCMISHRA View Post
                        JCPENNY or so sells an armitron one got it for xmas
                        The one I'm looking for specially is the one shown in the picture above (from Thunderlips) It was made by Fossil and a nice heavy duty one.

                        Thanks though.
                        For what shall it profit a man if he should gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

                        Everybody who lives dies, but not everybody who dies has lived - No Fear


                        • #13
                          How about making your own? - load up your own image and have the watch made. I've had 3 of them over 10 years - they last pretty long, just change the battery and the strap when it wears out.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Morph View Post

                            still trying to track down this watch as I still really want to get one. anyone?? seen or know where I can get one.

                            ((and please don't say ebay. been watching and nothing like that has come up in almost a year))

                            I have a lead on one, but that lead has been dragging out for almost 6-8 months now.

                            thanks for any help.
                            Here's what I don't understand: You HAD an opportunity to get one back in August of '09, thanks to a very good lead from this forum. So WHY did you wait until APRIL OF 2010 to come back to the thread?!?

                            Considering how much you want that watch, I would've thought you'd be checking this thread just a little bit more often than that!
                            Jack T. Chance
                            Really knows where his towel is!
                            Last edited by Jack T. Chance; 04-06-2010, 12:45 AM.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Jack T. Chance View Post
                              Here's what I don't understand: You HAD an opportunity to get one back in August of '09, thanks to a very good lead from this forum. So WHY did you wait until APRIL OF 2010 to come back to the thread?!?

                              Considering how much you want that watch, I would've thought you'd be checking this thread just a little bit more often than that!
                              Still have the opportunity actually. Here's the problem. Talked to the guy, he has the watch. We settled on a great price. Problem is a jeweler buddy of his walks into the store and notices that there's a chip out of the glass part of the watch. Guy says he's going to get this minor chip fixed and the cost stays the same. No prob I say. So the jeweler has the watch for a few weeks. Finally the guy goes to find out what's taking so long and the jeweler thought he wanted him to look at it (not fix) for some bizarre reason. So the guy tells him to fix it. Then... the jeweler guy which happens to be a few doors down is up and moving and with a dispute of the local landlord has shut down his store and is in process of moving.
                              The guy tells me he's trying to track the jeweler down so he can get the watch back to sell to me. This was a couple weeks ago. I had checked in but he was still trying.

                              So you can imagine, that yes, I really do want this watch. But there's a part of me that wonders if I really am ever going to get it from this guy. And after 8 months I'm starting to tire of the chase so I'm reaching out once again to see if I can get any more leads.
                              It was one of the guys here on the board that vouches for him and says he's legit. (he's a LCS owner.. just not local to me)

                              So there you have it. I am trying. I plan on calling him again tomorrow since he isn't open on Mondays.
                              For what shall it profit a man if he should gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?

                              Everybody who lives dies, but not everybody who dies has lived - No Fear

