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SDCC 2015

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  • plastroncafe
    Anyone else EPICly waiting today?

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  • Darth_Primus
    Guardian of the Universe

  • Darth_Primus
    Yeah, $250 is nearly pricing me out as I typically buy 2 four day passes for me and my wife. And of course the cost of a host in the downtown area is around $1000+ for four nights. And that's not including food and merchandise to be spent at or around the con.

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  • Lantern A-train
    Guardian of the Universe

  • Lantern A-train
    I still don't think I would pay that much for a con.

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  • Robinson
    Guardian Of The Universe

  • Robinson
    Just move out there already.

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  • Lantern A-train
    Guardian of the Universe

  • Lantern A-train
    SDCC Pre Reg details are out and the cost for next year for a four day is $250. Sadly guys I think 2014 is the last you've seen of me at this con. That's literally half the cost of my plane ticket there.

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  • fightoned
    Manhunter Repairman

  • fightoned
    Originally posted by W.West View Post
    Thursday around 9?
    I'll be there !

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  • Lantern A-train
    Guardian of the Universe

  • Lantern A-train

    Ok. This may be one of the only things I may ask someone to try and get me but if anyone could snag one of those for me I'd love you forever. Arrow, Supergirl, Gotham, or Vixen (in that order of preference) would be awesome.

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  • Darth_Primus
    Guardian of the Universe

  • Darth_Primus
    WB SDCC 2015 SWAG Bags

    The Flash





    Vampire Diaries

    The 100

    The Originals


    Teen Titans GO!

    Batman Unlimited


    Official Comic-Con Design
    Guardian of the Universe
    Last edited by Darth_Primus; 07-07-2015, 06:45 PM.

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  • Darth_Primus
    Guardian of the Universe

  • Darth_Primus
    I won't be making it to the Kilt this year, as I have dinner plans with my wife on Thursday night.

    Glad to hear you're able to make it SDCC and the OT will pay off.

    I'm leaving tonight after work for SDCC.

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  • CJF28
    Fatality's Blacksmith

  • CJF28
    Won't be the same.

    I leave for SDCC wednesday morning. flight leaves at 6:10, so I have to be at the airport by 4. Not ideal. But it was the cheapest.

    Last second choice for me to go. Luckily, overtime had been turned on at work. Wife said I would take whatever OT I made with me.

    So, I worked every day of June

    Last week was 87 hours in 100 degrees heat. Needless to say, I took today and tomorrow off to relax before the SDCC rush.

    Eric, are you making it to the Kilt?

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  • Darth_Primus
    Guardian of the Universe

  • Darth_Primus
    Sorry Train. I wish you could be in SDCC with us.

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  • Lantern A-train
    Guardian of the Universe

  • Lantern A-train
    So much sadness right now

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  • Darth_Primus
    Guardian of the Universe

  • Darth_Primus
    Originally posted by TheGoatLantern View Post
    I'll be leaving for sd tomorrow morning, see you all there!
    I've seen some folks in fanboys t-shirts on the train this morning on my way to work and they got off at the station to the airport with their luggage in tow. I assume they're on their way to San Diego.

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  • Sylent_Asassin
    Black Lantern

  • Sylent_Asassin
    Safe travels!

    So, we're all cool with meeting up on Thursday at the Tilted Kilt around 9pm, right? I'll try to get Jay Burg out there as well. Since he hasn't been on the boards, he must be busy with work.

    By the way, has anyone checked the panels and guest lists? They don't look all that great. Aside from Booker T and Rikishi, there's really nobody else that I'd want to meet, and there's no Flash panel, no Supergirl panel, and only 2 guys from Arrow will be there with one guy pending. Perhaps I missed something by reviewing on my smartphone.
    Black Lantern
    Last edited by Sylent_Asassin; 07-06-2015, 03:17 PM.

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  • TheGoatLantern

  • TheGoatLantern
    I'll be leaving for sd tomorrow morning, see you all there!

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