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Any other Star Trek fans on here??

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  • Originally posted by Space Cop View Post
    By the way, it's First Contact Day again. 43 years to go!

    HLY SH!T i'll be 82 when that happens

    IonFan says



    • Originally posted by IonFan View Post
      HLY SH!T i'll be 82 when that happens
      Me too. I'd turn 83 at the end of that year ... if alive.


      • I'm watching the live broadcast of the Episode IX panel from Star Wars Celebration on YouTube.

        + YouTube Video
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        You just witnessed the strength of geek knowledge. N.W.A., Nerd With Attitude. Straight out of Vulcan!


        • I'm watching it too. 37 minutes in at this moment.


          • + YouTube Video
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            You just witnessed the strength of geek knowledge. N.W.A., Nerd With Attitude. Straight out of Vulcan!


            • BTW, Kelley was scalped in that episode of Gunsmoke.


              • + YouTube Video
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                • I'm actually pretty pleased with the 2nd season ending of Discovery. It allows canon to flow without interruption from what has already passed. I was slightly irked that they didn't use Control as a possible origin for the Borg. All the story beats were there as well as visuals and some dialogue queues. Though I understand that it might have been too much to pack into a single episode. If they had another episode or two it might have fit though.

                  Season 3 is going to be a interesting ride given it's in the future. Though at some point all or part of Discovery's crew will return to the 23rd century. We know this because the Section 31 series will take place in the 23rd century and will star Mirror Philippa Georgiou. Who goes to the future with Discovery.

                  I will say the best thing to come out of Season 2 was the shows version of Captain Christopher Pike. Ansom Mount played the part to perfection and felt more like a classic Trek Captain than Lorka did in the first season. If anyone is interested there is a petition here to attempt to pressure CBS into creating a Trek series with Ansom Mount as Captain Pike in command of the Enterprise during the period before Kirk took Command. This I personally would love to see. I signed it and as of this writing the petition has over 20,000 signatures. So if you have seen season 2 and liked Pike and want some more here is your shot and voicing that.



                  • Yeah but do you really want to see this streaming service butcher TOS continuity by the stuff they would do with their Spock and Pike on THEIR pre Kirk Enterprise? I think after we all may wish they hadn't.


                    • Originally posted by Big Daddy Dave Skywalker View Post
                      Yeah but do you really want to see this streaming service butcher TOS continuity by the stuff they would do with their Spock and Pike on THEIR pre Kirk Enterprise? I think after we all may wish they hadn't.
                      I still think Enterprise screwed with the continuity too much and from what I hear that was a drop in the bucket compared to Discovery.


                      • CBS released the teaser for Picard.

                        + YouTube Video
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                        • looks good and i will give it a look see (illegally) but if they f@ck up the Klingon's that's it i'm out

                          IonFan says

                          MAGA then, MAGA now, MAGA FOREVER


                          • I've been seeing a lot of talk recently about Star Trek Voyager, and specifically Captain Janeway. I'm sorry the woman was crazy. Perhaps as expected given their situation. But a self righteous crazy person *Cough*Daenerys*Cough* can be a holy terror especially when confronted by situations they themselves have faced and done the wrong thing.

                            I point to the episodes The Equinox 1 and 2. Janeway broke the Prime Directive how many times in the past. Then passes judgement over the Equinox's crew for doing exactly what she would have done in the same situation. While she, no, never murdered hundreds if not thousands of a species to get her ship and crew home. **Cough**Endgame**Cough** But look at all the things she did do. Killed Tuvix, Gave holographic tech to the Hirogen, Helped the Borg create a Bio-Weapon to fight Species 8472. How many lives has she been directly or indirectly been the cause of death for.

                            In the end I leave you with this Video essay on Janeway which I saw recently and agreed with wholeheartedly.

                            + YouTube Video
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                            • For anyone interested who may also have the funds needed. Star Trek Online is running a sale on it's lifetime subscription. As a long time Trek fan I can personally attest to how fun the game is and the LTS offers a lot of perks that other players don't get. Access to all playable species, special ships, larger inventories and special titles, uniforms and uniform parts. While it is 100% possible to play the game totally free to play including all end game content. And all expansions are free. The LTS also gives 500 Zen (premium currency) a month which can be used to buy items from the Zen store including ships that F2P players don't have access to. If your interested here is a link.




                              • Originally posted by Darth_Andrea View Post
                                [B][COLOR="Cyan"]For anyone interested who may also have the funds needed. Star Trek Online is running a sale on it's lifetime subscription.
                                Not to crap on their good faith, but you know when MMOGs start offering up lifetime subscriptions? When the MMOG in question is nearing the end of its life.

                                Also, the rumors are true... Kurtzman is OUT as showrunner of "Star Trek: Picard" and Michael Chabon is IN.


                                Interesting that the official announcement seems to rub things as to suggest the show is just now getting a showrunner (yeah, after they've already shot 4 episodes) and it's Michael Chabon and not the reality, which is Kurtzman has been ousted and replaced.

