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Xbox One

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  • :sigh: Do you have a smartphone? They can do those things to that too. I will never understand those that have a fear of big brother watching but they own things that big brother can watch them on? What makes one worse than the other. Hell someone probably hacked into your DVR and youd never.

    Don't get me wrong I see where you are coming from and I understand. I would be none to happy about it either. But let's be real we'd have to stop using damn near every piece of tech we own if we decided to not use thing we could be watched and monitored on.
    I LOVE conspiracy theorists. They are like human versions of the cymbal clapping, dancing monkeys. No one takes them all that seriously and they get bored with them after about 10 minutes.


    • If I honestly thought there was a good enough need or reason for them to do so, then I'd be able to look past it. But there's no legitimate reason for this to exist. This is a VIDEO GAME system, no matter how much Microsoft wants it to be otherwise. And the fucking balls it takes for them to tell me that the games I buy aren't owned by me, but I have a license to play them...I just can't support that.

      Follow The Nobodies Comic on Facebook or Twitter


      • i cant wait to see all the sony fan boys go to shit when they realize microsoft wouldn't be able to do things like the licensing if the dev's weren't behind it otherwise they would just leave for sony so just wait til sony unveils similar plans as far as game licensing goes


        • Oh, don't get me wrong, if Sony makes enough mistakes there's a good chance I won't own their system either. They just haven't announced any deal breaker features yet.

          And I agree, it's pretty obvious the devs/publishers are behind the licensing deal. It helps them to secure additional funds with new game releases. It doesn't mean I'm ever going to support it though. It also doesn't mean Sony HAS to do it.
          Pictionary Master
          Last edited by JohnnyV; 06-07-2013, 06:05 PM.

          Follow The Nobodies Comic on Facebook or Twitter


          • Unless they plan on making all of their own games it would mean they have to if they want AAA titles and just indie games. I see no reason why the dev studies would take the time to in essence create two versions of the same game as far as one with and without the drm.


            • That's where the power of the consumer shines. You don't think those same devs wouldn't want money from the people who own another system, even if it didn't/doesn't use DRM? That's pretty much leaving millions upon millions of dollars on the table, just because you don't want to develop a DRM-free version of a game.

              Follow The Nobodies Comic on Facebook or Twitter


              • Originally posted by JohnnyV View Post
                And with the latest set of info released by Microsoft, I shall not be owning an Xbox-1 this next generation. Oh well, I'll have my PC and PS4 (unless Sony shits the bed at E3)

                Originally posted by JohnnyV View Post
                This is a VIDEO GAME system
                No. it's a box that plays TV...for your TV.

                As for Sony, I suspect they have their own plans, it's at what level they come at. They can't control the likes of EA etc, so I suspect it will be the same there, but for their own games? and if they dont have you connecting every day to play your games. That would be enough for people to side with them. If they do exactly the same, then both One and PS4 will sell like crap compared to 360 and PS3, which btw are still getting most top games for next year. Upgrading to next gen was already a harder sell than ever before, since theirs no longer that big leap in graphics. MS only made shit harder with all these bs policies.

                THE MEN CALLED STING


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                  • :Moderator:

                    It took me years to get a PS3, and now it has become a very expensive MP3 charger. Not that I"d ever buy X-Box anyway, but that that, any slim chance of even having one of those things in my house is now zero.

                    Pretty sure after GTA V comes out and I beat it, my gaming life will be over forever.
                    Winner: Reality TV draft 2014

                    "Weeds. All of them weeds. I am perfection, and I am alone in the garden of the universe." - Cyborg Superman


                    • What Microsoft has not promoted, however, is the fact that you will not be able to power on the console without first enabling the Kinect, designed to detect both heartbeats and eye movement. and positioning yourself in front of it.

                      Even I am fucking leary of getting this machine now.

                      I was planning on turning it away from me, since I was never going to use the damn thing.
                      Originally posted by fearless2814.1
                      ...You're a chore, you know that? You are a chore.


                      • Shifting my view

                        The only new x box id buy is a 3yr old one to replace the unit i have. If mine dies...other wise that new box can rot in the wearhouse with the rest of the pile.
                        Watching the future stocks of Microsoft die will be fun ..


                        • Well, guess I'm going back to Sony.


                          • e3 is awesome.... killer instinct is back


                            • Never liked the KI series. Ryse looks like a very poor attempt at God of War.

                              Only thing I've like so far is MGS5.


                              • project spark looks intresting

