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Captain America: Sentinel Of Liberty

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  • Captain America: Sentinel Of Liberty

    Marvel's Next Big Thing: Captain America

    When Captain America throws his mighty shield next, the man behind the mask will once again be Steve Rogers as Marvel Comics is preparing a relaunch of the red, white and blue hero's monthly comic this July to synch up with Cap's forthcoming big screen adventure. And while the two men shepherding this latest run of Cap comics – writer Ed Brubaker and artist Steve McNiven – are not at all new to the famed patriotic superhero, both are looking to change things up by the time "Captain America" #1 hits the stands this summer.

    Both men joined Marvel SVP of Publishing and Executive Editor Tom Brevoort for Marvel's latest "Next Big Thing" press call Friday to dig in to their plans for the star-spangled Avenger.

    An early look at Steve McNiven's "Captain America" pencils.
    The call got started with talk of the funeral glimpsed in McNiven's preview pages with Brevoort noting. "It picks up on a specific moment, and as with many other Captain America stories, it springboards off things Steve has experienced in the past in the World War II era...a mission and adventure he was part of in the '40s, the ramifications of which are just being felt in the present."

    Asked how the return of his uniform affects Rogers' view of himself, the editor noted, "The suit is no so much a mantle as a uniform he's worn while fighting in service of the American dream all these years...I don't think he thinks of himself as Captain America."

    Brubaker joined the call a bit late after some phone trouble prompting Brevoort to quip "This is why the book will be late!" However, soon the writer was sharing his thoughts on the funeral scene and saying that it helps show the cast of the book. Brubaker revealed the funeral would be for Peggy Carter. "The last time we saw her was just before 'Cap: Reborn.' She's an old S.H.I.E.L.D. agent and was living in a retired care facility for old secret agents." The writer joked that the character was "slightly problematic" since she was originally meant to be Sharon Carter's older sister yet he changed Peggy to Sharon's great aunt.

    "I thought it would be really poignant for anyone who knew the character at all but especially for people who just saw the movie where she's one of the three main also tied back to the idea I wanted to get to of Steve Rogers being a man out of time...he's still fighting a war in his head."

    Of the incoming movie, Brubaker said "I probably watched that previous on X-Box more than anybody" and noted that he read parts of the script but was unable to make it to the set because of family responsibilities. When he saw "Thor" he realized he could have made it on screen. "I could have been a Nazi getting killed!" he laughed. "I guess Joe Johnston made reference to my comics a lot while making the movie and how I made 'Cap' feel real world while being a superhero book at the same time."

    Speaking on Rogers, the writer said "He set the bar...Steve was always this guy who tried to do the right thing, even when he was a 98 lbs. weakling," he said. "He never wanted to be Captain America. He was just supposed to be part of a troupe of super soldiers...but once it fell to him, he had no choice but to become something bigger than himself. He enjoyed his time away from that, but once Bucky was put on trial, he knew it was coming back to him."
    Brubaker said that he was relishing the opportunity to put Steve Rogers back in place after a long absence. "The thing about my 'Captain America' run that is different than most people is that Steve wasn't in about 50% of the book," he laughed. "I feel I was just building up steam, and my idea of killing Cap was going to come later, and he wasn't going to be dead that was just the circumstances of things made me move the storylines around. This is really the first time since 'Civil War' I feel like I get to cut loose with Steve again.

    "Captain America Steve Rogers was my first Marvel character as a kid, and I've always wanted to write that character." Brubaker went on to say that while he wants the run to ramp up the big James Bond-like action while also reflecting the mood of America today.

    McNiven said that he hasn't changed much in his general art approach to draw "Captain America" and referred to himself as a "one trick pony" to which Brevoort replied "But it's a GREAT trick!" Brubaker said the pages were the work of the artist's career. McNiven promised "A lot of shield throwing."

    The infamous theme song from the '60s Marvel limited animation series came up, and Brubaker opined that the song's lyrics made it seems as though only those who chose to oppose Cap's shield must yield to it. So the easiest way to beat the hero is to chose to not engage him.

    On a more serious track, the writer said despite the big changes in the book over the past few years, he never had to put off what he wanted to do as he writes fast and loose. "I did stuff I wanted to do regardless," he said. "My initial plan was that the Red Skull's revenge on Steve would have taken place around #30 instead of 25." However, when the death of Rogers and the popularity of Bucky came about, the writer barreled through with a modified take on his original plans. "I did my big Red Skull stories all the way through 'Reborn' and now I'm doing something I've always wanted to do, which is create new Captain America villains...I want to create new villains that people will care about and team them up with old school Cap villains a bit."

    And his longtime love for the book has had an impact on Brubaker's run as well. "Part of 'Captain America' I liked as a kid was that when Watergate happened, there was this weird conspiracy theory that the president was involved in," he said, noting that the trick is to make the content feel like a superhero story and not just a straight political drama. "In my mind, I don't want to look at a specific thing and say 'I want to address that' just have to look at the general feel of what's impacting people, and if there's a way to make that a layer, that's great. The important thing to remember is that it's 'Casino Royale' and not 'All The President's Men.'"

    The writer said his main challenge in this new #1 was to not lose any of the readers who have been following him for seven years on the comic while also making a package that anyone who's seen the movie could come right out of the theater and pick up. "This is the next extension of what's been happening for a long time, he said, and before that, there are some twists coming up to put Rogers back in the costume.

    Falcon will definitely be a part of the series as the writer joked, "Steve wants to draw all those feathers!" Brubaker praised his artist as someone where "Everything comes back more exciting than I pictured it."

    The pair are working together to make the new villains in the series shine. They joked that the process was easy and fun, while Brubaker said of the first villain, "He's got a lot of ties to Steve's past in World War Ii, and that's a lot of what the story's about...I wanted to come from another Man Out of Time but as a villain because that's nothing we've seen done before."

    As for the lead himself, the artist said "I don't want to tweak the design. We don't have to do movie stuff or a rubber mask. I just want to stick with the classic costume." He joked that he wanted to change characters in past work like Jack-O-Lantern in "Civil War" but Cap remains the same. The biggest challenge in Cap's costume is making the scales on his shirt work and knowing when to stop drawing them.

    This version of "Captain America" will not initially focus on guest stars like the Avengers. "I want to make sure that it focuses primarily on Steve – Steve and Sharon really," said Brubaker.

    Brevoort then noted that the team would be bringing back a "very obscure" Marvel character from the Golden Age. "There is a character in the first arc who is a genuine 1940s character who hasn't been seen in 60 years." Brubaker said historian Jess Nevins helped him discover this character while they were researching "The Marvels Project" and while the character didn't fit there, the writer was excited to include "one of the strangest Marvel characters ever."

    Brubaker played coy when the fate of Bucky Barnes came up. He didn't want to ruin any of the upcoming stories, but he did say, "I hope people have faith that we know what we're doing a little bit." The writer also revealed that Hydra will play into the first arc. "They're a slightly different version of Hydra than we've ever seen before, which is part of the mystery of the favorite run on 'Cap' is the three issues that Steranko did, so I've always wanted to use Hydra."
    via CBR

  • #2
    McNiven on Cap, Coipel on Thor, Paolo Rivera on Daredevil, Maleev on Moonknight........... God Make my fucking Marvel.


    • #3
      This should be great.


      • #4
        Originally posted by irongreen2814 View Post
        McNiven on Cap, Coipel on Thor, Paolo Rivera on Daredevil, Maleev on Moonknight........... God Make my fucking Marvel.
        Agreed. McNiven can be a bit slow at times though, so I hope this doesn't suffer delays.

        Might as well make this thread a place to discuss the current series as well. I think the current Gulgag arc is the strongest arc since pre-Reborn. For a while there I felt like Brubaker had lost some of the magic he brought when he first got on Cap, but now everything feels like it's back on track. In fact this arc has made me kinda sad that they're giving Steve back the shield and I really hope they don't banish Bucky to comic book oblivion a la Wally West. I know they announced Captain America and Bucky but I wanted to know what he's doing in the present day goddamnit!


        • #5
          I dropped the book after Reborn.

          Where would be a good place to pick back up?


          • #6
            Originally posted by myuserid View Post
            I dropped the book after Reborn.

            Where would be a good place to pick back up?
            I'd start with 615.1 which kinda gets the ball rolling on Steve's eventual return to wielding the shield. 616 is the anniversary issue with a bunch of stories by different writers/artists and it kicks off the "Gulag" arc which is currently running (618 came out this week).

            If you really wanted to you could go all the way back to 611 which is the beginning of the "The Trial of Captain America" arc, but to me that was just a means to an end of setting up the current arc. In "Gulag" Bucky has been extradited to Russia and put in prison for crimes he committed while he was the Winter Soldier, it's good stuff (blacked it out 'cause I wanted sure if you wanted spoilers or not).

            Basically if you were a fan of Brubakers Cap when he first started writing I'd say now is a good time to jump back on.


            • #7
              Good deal.

              I loved Brubaker's Cap until Reborn. Then I tired of it.

              I'll check out 615.1 and go from there.



              • #8
                Originally posted by myuserid View Post
                Good deal.

                I loved Brubaker's Cap until Reborn. Then I tired of it.

                I'll check out 615.1 and go from there.

                Keep in mind that with issue #620 the series is getting relaunched as Captain America and Bucky, so "Gulag" is basically the last arc.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by hypotherion View Post
                  Keep in mind that with issue #620 the series is getting relaunched as Captain America and Bucky, so "Gulag" is basically the last arc.
                  No worries.

                  I'm a trade waiter so I'll only pick up 615.1 and then pick up trades after that.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by myuserid View Post
                    No worries.

                    I'm a trade waiter so I'll only pick up 615.1 and then pick up trades after that.
                    You might wanna look into pickin' up 616 as well just 'cause there are some non-Brubaker stories in there that I doubt will collected in the eventual trade...unless you only care about Brubaker's Cap.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by irongreen2814 View Post
                      McNiven on Cap, Coipel on Thor, Paolo Rivera on Daredevil, Maleev on Moonknight........... God Make my fucking Marvel.

                      McNiven's pencils one Cap are Awesome. I'll be sure to pick up a copy.
                      You just witnessed the strength of geek knowledge. N.W.A., Nerd With Attitude. Straight out of Vulcan!


                      • #12
                        I love Bru's Cap.

                        I never really cared for the character that much, but Brubaker has made it my fave book and first-read each month.....untill Reborn.

                        After that, many sub-plots have been left dangling (Sharon Carter's baby for example) and never mentioned again....and that just seems off compared to the previous issues Brubaker wrote, but I guess that much had to do with the new role Cap had in the Marvel U....

                        Here's hoping this new Cap book will give him the 'freedom' he needs to get back to telling the best Cap stories ever.

                        2 ongoing Cap books published...i don't that has ever been done before?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Dutch Lantern View Post
                          I love Bru's Cap.

                          I never really cared for the character that much, but Brubaker has made it my fave book and first-read each month.....untill Reborn.

                          After that, many sub-plots have been left dangling (Sharon Carter's baby for example) and never mentioned again....and that just seems off compared to the previous issues Brubaker wrote, but I guess that much had to do with the new role Cap had in the Marvel U....

                          Here's hoping this new Cap book will give him the 'freedom' he needs to get back to telling the best Cap stories ever.

                          2 ongoing Cap books published...i don't that has ever been done before?
                          Spoilers She lost the baby in issue #42 when she was stabbed in the stomach, they revisit in issue #50

                          Hope that answers the baby question.


                          • #14
                            Captain America #1 Preview

                            CAPTAIN AMERICA #1
                            Written by ED BRUBAKER
                            Pencils & Cover by STEVE MCNIVEN
                            Cover by STEVE MCNIVEN
                            Variant Cover by OLIVIER COIPEL
                            Variant Cover by JOHN ROMITA SR.
                            Variant Cover by NEAL ADAMS
                            Movie Variant Cover also available
                            Blank Variant Cover also available
                            Bestselling Cap writer Ed Brubaker and superstar artist Steve McNiven bring you the next huge chapter in Steve Rogers life, and it's a perfect jumping-on point for fans of the Cap movie. A funeral for a fallen friend turns into a race against time as the original Captain America makes his explosive return!
                            32 PGS./Rated T+ ...$3.99


                            • #15
                              I don't even need to say it.

                              *continues to look at image*

