Ocean's 11,12 and 13 are classics btw.
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CAST THE __________ MOVIE!!!
Originally posted by W.West View PostOcean's 11,12 and 13 are classics btw.
13 is the best imo.... AL FUCKING PACINO FTW!Last edited by TazzMission; 07-12-2010, 01:04 AM................................................... ..........................
Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense
Originally posted by Shaolinlantern View PostA casting would be interesting, because there will be an action movie coming out in 2012
Here's what I'd go with:
Captain Future: Ryan Reynolds
Otto: Pruitt Taylor Vince
Grag: CGI, voice of Sam Rockwell
Joan: Scarlett Johannson
Professor Simon: CGI, voice of Stephen Fry
Originally posted by Michael Heide View PostAwesome. By the director of Antikörper? Could be cool.
Here's what I'd go with:
Captain Future: Ryan Reynolds
Otto: Pruitt Taylor Vince
Grag: CGI, voice of Sam Rockwell
Joan: Scarlett Johannson
Professor Simon: CGI, voice of Stephen Fry
It is very difficult to find an another actor for this role.
I was also thinking of Wentworth Miller:
I am really looking forward to this movie!!
seeing as mass effect is green lit for a film and written and directed by the guy who did i am legend heres my pics for the cast
sam worthington as commander shepard
scarlett johanson as dr. liara t soni
chris pine as kaiden arlinko
mila kunis as lt asheley williams
hugo weaving as garrus
cgi for wrex and voiced by james earl jones
seth green as joker
keith david as captain anderson
the actor who played nero from star trek 2008 as sarren.................................................. ..........................
Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense
Originally posted by TazzMission View Postseeing as mass effect is green lit for a film and written and directed by the guy who did i am legend heres my pics for the cast
the actor who played nero from star trek 2008 as sarren
Originally posted by Kuhan View Postalso, 2009 lol
i was never a star trek fan but after seeing the new flick i been really interested in the franchise so i started watching the original show on youtube as well as the original films.................................................. ..........................
Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense
Originally posted by fearless2814.1 View Post......
this is a videofrom someone who made a cast for the mass effect film i must say it isnt bad either
+ YouTube Video .................................................. ..........................
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Originally posted by JohnnyV View PostMy Commander Shepard is female. And a total biatch.
thats the thing alot of fans are worried about for the film. will they use the male or female shepard. as for the kaiden casting in that vid i would cast james franco seeing as he would be the right age and look for the charachter.................................................. ..........................
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