

The point of this Forum Section

Some members are a little iffy on what should go in the Games & Humor forum section so.

Trivial games like "the person above you game" should be placed in this forum.

Humor of all kinds also belongs here, like the "Superman has a problem with kinky sex" thread.

What does not belong here would be things like video games, board games. Or humor coming directly out of comic books or discussion of books.

Boardgames and the like would go in the Action Figure and Toys section as could video games, though those could also be posted in the General Forum Section.

also any posts in this Forum Section do not count towards your post count.

Hope that helps!
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Idea for the next draft

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  • W.West
    I meant, more creative drafts not creative selections.

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  • Booster Beetle
    Will break before he bends

  • Booster Beetle
    I got my team from a 90s insult

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  • Fearless
    Agent Orange

  • Fearless
    Originally posted by W.West View Post
    I'm in. Though I'd love to see some creativity out of you people!


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  • W.West

  • W.West
    I'm in. Though I'd love to see some creativity out of you people!

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  • Booster Beetle
    Will break before he bends

  • Booster Beetle
    I'll start a thread if three more people are in

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  • Fearless
    Agent Orange

  • Fearless
    I could do a Villains draft.

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  • Booster Beetle
    Will break before he bends

  • Booster Beetle
    So what's next?

    I vote for Villains

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  • Michael Heide
    Heide Finition

  • Michael Heide
    You can start the thread now, of you want. Recruitment usually takes a few days anyway.

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  • Fearless
    Agent Orange

  • Fearless
    If it's all the same, I'll go ahead and create the thread after the Hero Draft Finals close out.

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  • Michael Heide
    Heide Finition

  • Michael Heide
    Originally posted by Fearless View Post
    If you'd like, Heide, I could run it for you. I'm not sure I'd be able to put something together for the draft that quickly, so if it would help you out...
    Sweet! Then sign me up!

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  • Booster Beetle
    Will break before he bends

  • Booster Beetle
    I'll run a Villain Draft if people are interested

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  • W.West

  • W.West
    Yeah, I'm up for that but I have no idea where to start.

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  • Fearless
    Agent Orange

  • Fearless
    If you'd like, Heide, I could run it for you. I'm not sure I'd be able to put something together for the draft that quickly, so if it would help you out...

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  • Michael Heide
    Heide Finition

  • Michael Heide
    I just watched that movie. And now I ship Migulio. Let me empty my PM folder, then I'll see what I can do about the period piece adaptation draft.

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  • kazzar
    Guardian Of The Galaxy

  • kazzar
    Originally posted by Deadpool View Post
    I'm up for Heide's period adaptation or real musician band draft.

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