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Hookers & Pictionary

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  • Jesus H. Christ..... I'm gone for a few hours and suddenly 3 pages are added to the hp thread. Before I venture back to read, I hope I find something he ended up with 3 midget crossdressers sucking on his toes near a dumpster in Las Vegas. Or that he won a first grade spelling bee with a car battery hooked up to his tits.


    • Originally posted by DOOM View Post
      Or that he won a first grade spelling bee with a car battery hooked up to his tits.
      While being jumper cable-electrocuted, he could look to the heavens and shout, "SHAZAM!!" ...and he still wouldn't have the knowledge to win that 1st grade spelling bee. In fact, it would probably transform him into the world's mightiest moron... if he isn't already.


      • i love this thread while half the posts make my brain hurt the other half are pure gold.


        • Originally posted by IonFan View Post
          well "my friends" DON'T PLAN NOTHING TIL THE B!CTH IS IN THE CAR
          You profess your love for this expensive hooker and say you respect her, then call her a bitch on the internet?

          Originally posted by Robinson View Post
          Its cute that you call her "my girl".

          For $160 I could call her my girl also.
          Evidently, he's switched to "his bitch"

          Originally posted by IonFan View Post
          it's her lost not mine
          When someone expects me to blindly stride into a childish trap and, electrocute myself.

          Originally posted by IonFan View Post
          ohfortheloveofgod when did we get so many......

          < link here

          sidenote: is that ok to post or is it still somehow racist only when i post it?
          Yes, I am offended. Mods, Admins, Leaders, whoever the fuck runs this board- he needs a 3 - 5 day resting period from the board.

          Originally posted by IonFan View Post

          why should i, no one else is
          This must occur in that Marvel Alternate Universe you live in.

          Originally posted by IonFan View Post
          please, i did her so good one time, it started her period
          Are you fucking sure you were using your penis? Or was it more like this:

          Because I can totally see you pulling a Jeffrey Dahmer/Columbine hybrid on someone.


          • See, personally, I think the Grammar Nazi thing is a bit less offensive (for being so commonly used that it has lost much of its shock value) than suggesting somebody is a potential serial killer.

            I mean, IonFan clearly has no problem opening himself up for mockery (or if he does, then I've no idea why he keeps posting in here), that seems to be the main point of this thread, but actually calling him a potential serial killer SEEMS like it crosses some kind of line. I dunno, maybe it's just me.


            • Originally posted by Mister Ed View Post
              See, personally, I think the Grammar Nazi thing is a bit less offensive (for being so commonly used that it has lost much of its shock value) than suggesting somebody is a potential serial killer.

              I mean, IonFan clearly has no problem opening himself up for mockery (or if he does, then I've no idea why he keeps posting in here), that seems to be the main point of this thread, but actually calling him a potential serial killer SEEMS like it crosses some kind of line. I dunno, maybe it's just me.


              • Originally posted by Lantern A-train View Post
                I'm sorry do you know what a period is (and not the the punctuation because it's obvious you don't know what that one is) or what causes it?
                it's that time of the month when women's "kitten" bleed for some reason

                Originally posted by Space Cop View Post
                Ah, but I bet the people you are taking a shot at are better with their native language than you are with yours.
                well duh it's there/their/they're language

                Originally posted by Mister Ed View Post
                Apparently it WAS your loss, because you spent so long waiting on her that you missed your chance to go... (yes, I know you are still planning on going, at some future time. Fact remains you scuttled your previous plans based on her not showing.)
                no it wasn't, just got back from the lake (even went out and seen 2 movies on top of it)

                Originally posted by Sylent_Asassin View Post
                You should be trying to get a real GF anyway, instead of wasting countless dollars for sex.

                Don't get me wrong, sex is great and all, but do you envision yourself paying $160 (+tips, knowing you) every two weeks for the next 5 years? If you've been paying for what's her name's services for a year, that means you have spent $3,840.00 IN ADDITION to the love gifts, pregnancy tests and other incidentals. That probably brings the total to over $4,000, and that's only for a year!!!
                ............ huh my nephew said the same thing, well it is the reason i have 3 jobs so

                Originally posted by Mister Ed View Post
                See, personally, I think the Grammar Nazi thing is a bit less offensive (for being so commonly used that it has lost much of its shock value) than suggesting somebody is a potential serial killer.

                I mean, IonFan clearly has no problem opening himself up for mockery (or if he does, then I've no idea why he keeps posting in here), that seems to be the main point of this thread, but actually calling him a potential serial killer SEEMS like it crosses some kind of line. I dunno, maybe it's just me.
                1) awww but you see Grammar Nazi is some how racist when i use it (just ask Doom, AP, and MH they'll tell ya)

                2) who called who in the what now

                IonFan says

                MAGA then, MAGA now, MAGA FOREVER


                • Ah yes, the there/their/they're thing again!!!!!!!
                  Originally posted by IonFan
                  (even if the ear sucking helped get me off faster)
                  Originally posted by Big Daddy Caesar
                  If I had things like the internet and a laptop as a kid, I never would have left my room as a teenager.
                  Originally posted by Quaker
                  I am the Geoff Johns of the GLCMB.


                  • Originally posted by IonFan View Post
                    2) who called who in the what now
                    I'm assuming from this that you have DOOM blocked? I'd quote it, but I don't see that serving any useful purpose, and would in fact defeat the purpose of your choosing to block him.


                    • Originally posted by IonFan View Post
                      1) awww but you see Grammar Nazi is some how racist when i use it (just ask Doom, AP, and MH they'll tell ya)
                      Don't get me wrong, I still think invoking Nazis for something so trivial is sort of tasteless, but that particular phrase is so often used that by now it is just not that big a deal anymore. Sure, you not only using the phrase but also posting a big Swastika to go along with it could be seen as more offensive, but I usually just kind of mentally skip over all that stuff by now whenever anybody does it, "Grammar Nazi, blah, blah, whatever".


                      • Ion refers to an event some time ago when he did what you described to Michael. A few posters responded that calling a German a Nazi however lighthearted is inappropriate. IIRC Heide wasn't as offended as others seemed to be on his behalf.


                        • Heide was actually the first one to respond with a hearty "fuck you".


                          • Originally posted by Robinson View Post
                            Heide was actually the first one to respond with a hearty "fuck you".
                            Okay, good for him. I was trying to relate just the facts without skewing it one way or the other.


                            • Originally posted by Mister Ed View Post
                              I'm assuming from this that you have DOOM blocked? I'd quote it, but I don't see that serving any useful purpose, and would in fact defeat the purpose of your choosing to block him.
                              yep and thank you

                              Originally posted by Mister Ed View Post
                              Don't get me wrong, I still think invoking Nazis for something so trivial is sort of tasteless, but that particular phrase is so often used that by now it is just not that big a deal anymore. Sure, you not only using the phrase but also posting a big Swastika to go along with it could be seen as more offensive, but I usually just kind of mentally skip over all that stuff by now whenever anybody does it, "Grammar Nazi, blah, blah, whatever".
                              calling someone a "Grammar Nazi" is not offensive (unless your me and then it's racist for some reason.............. never was told why i mean Mav. has used it before in the past and some others also and no one went after them but oh well)

                              and also i didn't post a swastika, look again it's a big @$$ G

                              Originally posted by Space Cop View Post
                              Ion refers to an event some time ago when he did what you described to Michael. A few posters responded that calling a German a Nazi however lighthearted is inappropriate. IIRC Heide wasn't as offended as others seemed to be on his behalf.
                              I DIDN'T CALL HIM A NAZI.......................... i called him a Grammar Nazi, big deference

                              IonFan says

                              MAGA then, MAGA now, MAGA FOREVER


                              • Originally posted by IonFan View Post
                                yep and thank you

                                calling someone a "Grammar Nazi" is not offensive (unless your me and then it's racist for some reason.............. never was told why i mean Mav. has used it before in the past and some others also and no one went after them but oh well)

                                and also i didn't post a swastika, look again it's a big @$$ G

                                I DIDN'T CALL HIM A NAZI.......................... i called him a Grammar Nazi, big deference
                                You called a German guy a Nazi, that's not cool and learn how to spell you idiot

