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WB's DC Entertainment II

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  • They'll be separate from the current universe until they happen then it'll be like how First Class and DOFP *fixed* the X films, but with the help of a Flashpoint film. I love anything set in the 80's so I'm game. I'd be much more inclined to be on board with giving Joker an actual origin if a comic writer was involved, or at the least somebody super familiar with the character like Bruce Timm.

    We'll likely get a slightly younger Batman as well if Afleck decides he's too old to play Bats.



    • I was expecting MK characters and Black Manta looks cool, but Hellboy?! Wow. I so wish I could afford a PS4.

      + YouTube Video
      ERROR: If you can see this, then YouTube is down or you don't have Flash installed.


      • Damn! I have that game too, definitely going to get this DLC.


        • Yeah my son is pumped for Hellboy.



          • Originally posted by -//V\\- View Post
            They'll be separate from the current universe until they happen then it'll be like how First Class and DOFP *fixed* the X films, but with the help of a Flashpoint film. I love anything set in the 80's so I'm game. I'd be much more inclined to be on board with giving Joker an actual origin if a comic writer was involved, or at the least somebody super familiar with the character like Bruce Timm.

            We'll likely get a slightly younger Batman as well if Afleck decides he's too old to play Bats.

            It's still unclear if Affleck will be Batman in Reeves' films as there has been any official word from Reeves or the studio about this.

            I would be open to Elsewhere tales. I know I'd appreciate a Kingdom Come film or a faithful Dark Knight Returns film.
            You just witnessed the strength of geek knowledge. N.W.A., Nerd With Attitude. Straight out of Vulcan!


            • No official word but at SDCC Ben mentioned how hyped he was to be in a Reeves movie. He said he'd be down to play a background gorilla in the next Planet of the Apes film even.

              I think if Ben really wants, after his solo Bat-flick and the JL movie, he could go on to other projects and like with the new Joker a new Batman could come into play through a standalone movie that isn't cannon... till Flashpoint. I just wonder how this will affect other Bat universe films like Nightwing, Gotham City Sirens, and Batgirl.


              On a semi-related note... has anybody read the reports of the recent plot leaks for the additional scenes and such for JL? Supposedly Lex Luthor, Henry Allen, Deathstroke, and Darkseid will no longer be in the film. However now there may be some truth in Supergirl showing up in the film.



              • I hadn't read that. If true those are sizable changes. I wonder how much of this movie will be filmed by Whedon by the time all is said and done?


                • I think at this point he's getting the director credit, mostly due to him being over editing and filming all the additional scenes.



                  • Really? Damn, that's a lot. Didn't Whedon make the obligatory comments about it still being Snyder's movie and all that? Enough has changed for it to change? Even with all the screen guild rules?


                    • It's just one of those things I read somewhere on a news site. I'm not sure it's happening, but there were various reports talking about the JL film and what is getting cut.

                      Maybe if Joe Manganiello can't be Deathstroke he'll take WB up on being Capt. Marvel opposite the Rock's Black Adam.



                      • + YouTube Video
                        ERROR: If you can see this, then YouTube is down or you don't have Flash installed.


                        • ^Between that and Suicide Squad, it's like DC is determined to not make Harley funny.


                          • Oh my god that was AWFUL


                            • She does at least sound like a New Yorker. I guess that's something.

                              BTW: Sept. 11 will mark Harley's 25th anniversary. I'll probably watch and read some HQ stuff to celebrate.


                              • Yo.


                                With Martin Scorsese producing Joker origin film, could studio be after Leonardo DiCaprio for title role?


                                Originally posted by Andrew NDB
                                Geoff Johns should have a 10 mile restraining order from comic books, let alone films.

