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Hal or Kyle?

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  • Originally posted by HalFingJordan View Post
    Can this thread be deleted now? It's pointless with Kyle taking his dirt nap.

    Thank god for Geoff.
    Yeah I agree thank God for Geoff, I mean he can really write something intersting,,,,now how about you giving it a try HalFingJordan??? Oh and by the way,,,God is capitalised!
    Green Lantern Initiate
    Last edited by tommyofshaolin; 12-02-2009, 02:08 AM.


    • No comic character is ever portrayed consistently. Too many different creative minds at work over the long haul. Kyle always dealt with regressions to an insecure "new guy" just as Hal always dealt with dull characterizations as the quintessential hero at the expense of his personality.

      The great success with Kyle, in spite of his all-too-frequent regressions, was to instill a hope and belief in the mind of the reader that Kyle would, indeed, achieve greatness in time. He wasn't just a new, inexperienced hero, like so many others who come and go. He was a new, inexperienced hero with a uniquely spectacular destiny. He was more Luke Skywalker than Peter Parker.

      Grant Morrison, by the way, deserves his share of credit for this success.


      • Originally posted by Vaegrin View Post
        Grant Morrison, by the way, deserves his share of credit for this success.
        Damn right!
        The Best Comic Site Ever!!!


        • .....


          • Originally posted by Shingo Wol View Post
            You really are workin' hard on that post whorin' bit, eh?
            The Best Comic Site Ever!!!


            • Hal.


              • Kyle,,,wish I could vote for both tho,,,


                • Originally posted by Bruce Castle View Post
                  You really are workin' hard on that post whorin' bit, eh?
                  You know it!


                  • Originally posted by Shingo Wol View Post
                    You know it!
                    ...? LOL


                    • Picked Kyle since I started out with / grew up with him. Had I read John's run first it would be an entirely different story.

                      The Sky is Waiting....


                      • There's room enough for all. I grew up with Hal, was fairly quickly introduced to the Golden Aged Alan (I wished that after they did the initial re-boot with the first big crisis event that they had retconned him into the whole Oa/guardians thing), very glad to see John and Guy add to the mythos, and loved the idea of adding Kyle, again broadening the mythos, especially since he's an illustrator (when I was a kid, I wanted to be a comic book artist when I grew up), and not former military or jock (not that there's anything wrong with those) but was a character that I could better identify with. I do agree with the LukeSkywalker-rather-than PeterParker analogy, although Spidey being a photographer puts him in that visual arts area also. Maybe Luke paints in his spare time.


                        • While Kyle's writing and development was pretty poor (did we really have to be reminded every other issue that the ring was thrust into his hands, he had no training and that his girlfriend was stuffed into a fridge), what put Kyle above Hal for me was his lack of any preparation.
                          Hal had years of military training before the ring picked him, Kyle got thirty seconds of second rate obscure Yoda-spiel. Despite the lack of training and the person closest to him getting killed a few days after he got the ring, he still had the willpower to keep putting the ring on, to keep learning how to be a 'super-hero' and eventually to rebuild and drag a lot of veterans back to the Corps.
                          Minimum space distance:
                          a|<- ≥2mm ->|lot

                          Stormageddon added by Kuhan


                          • Very good point...well put.


                            • Yay Kyle ! 100 to 98.


                              • Originally posted by Shingo Wol View Post
                                Yay Kyle ! 100 to 98.
                                Oh, but Hal's moving up.

