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Green Lantern #14 *Preview/Spoilers*

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Guyver Lantern View Post
    Just finished it.
    Seems Hal and Sin will have more pages in next issue.
    About others... well, actually Baz didn't fight against JL, he just ran away. It makes sense, but it's kind of disappointing.
    I like that the JLA were listening and willing to believe him (not hot-headed and judgmental). Hopefully they clear Simon's name soon so they can move on with the character.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Space Cop View Post
      I like that the JLA were listening and willing to believe him (not hot-headed and judgmental). Hopefully they clear Simon's name soon so they can move on with the character.
      And he can serve his time for car theft.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Mister Ed View Post
        And he can serve his time for car theft.
        True. But that depends on what happens with the owner next, right? If no one presses charges or reports the theft ...


        • #19
          Originally posted by Space Cop View Post
          True. But that depends on what happens with the owner next, right? If no one presses charges or reports the theft ...
          I didn't get the feeling that this was his very first car theft. Maybe I'm misremembering. (And I thought the vehicle WAS reported stolen, prior to his stealing it. Like whoever set the bombs stole it, put bombs in it, then he stole it. If I'm not totally messing THAT up, too, in my memory, I'm still not sure where that would leave one from a legal standpoint.)


          • #20
            Originally posted by The bezt red lanteren View Post
            So I read that green lanterens are weak to anything yellow Ex.bannana? I only like the bad guys so WITH BLOOD AND RAGE AND CRIMSON RED RIPPED FROM A CORPS FREASHLY DEAD TOGEATHER WITHZ MY HELLISH HATZ ILL BURN YOU ALL THAT IS YOUR FATE!!!!!
            I can see you'll be here awhile.


            • #21
              This arc feels so freakin' slow.


              • #22
                It's because Johns has been dragging out this subplot of the Guardians going bad for half a decade.


                • #23
                  I kinda think this should been in its own book. It just feels weird for the focus/feel of the book to shift so radically with the introduction of Baz.


                  • #24
                    In fairness to Jhons, the Guardians going bad has been going on since Green Lantern / Green Arrow. They've been on a steady decline from benevolant, but weak shams to out of touch machevellian supervillains for a long, long time. Them being evil is almost a natural progression. With everything going at almost breakneck speed - event after event - I credit him for a slower progression to evil then them just decided to be jerks all of a sudden.

                    I liked this issue. Liked that Baz tried to reason with the JLA before running (which is sensible).I liked that we had a bit more of the Guardians, but I too feel like this is a good issue of some other comic. I want it to get back to the status quo, with Hal. Sadly, it'll be a year or so until that happens.


                    • #25
                      Wow, this was a really boring issue. But it was actually the first issue I thought was bad for the first time in years. Until the last 4 pages.

                      This whole Baz thing is boring, uninteresting and tired. Maybe I'd be more interested if his sister got the ring instead? I don't know. All I know is, I still don't care about this character.


                      • #26
                        I really loved this issue, I am actually enjoying Simon now. I loved his line to Batman, Barry's line about Guy, and well Hal's line to Sinestro. I'm glad Sinestro, Hal, The Guardians, The First Lantern, The Other Guardians and Black Hand are all in this issue. This is a lot of set-up however the set up arcs do take a long time but make the events really good.
                        No Sir, I punched the viceroy in the stomach, then I headbutted him in the face. Sir.-Hal Jordan

                        Villain Draft (Best Team Winner)/Proud Supporter of the DCnU


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Gauntlet101010 View Post
                          In fairness to Jhons, the Guardians going bad has been going on since Green Lantern / Green Arrow. They've been on a steady decline from benevolant, but weak shams to out of touch machevellian supervillains for a long, long time. Them being evil is almost a natural progression. With everything going at almost breakneck speed - event after event - I credit him for a slower progression to evil then them just decided to be jerks all of a sudden.
                          This is not true at all. The Guardians didn't even start becoming anything resembling evil until Johns got his hands on them. This is not at all part of a natural progression. What started with GL/GA was the notion that the Guardians were out of touch with the concerns of mortals, being only concerned with the "big picture". They were portrayed as being insensitive, but not evil by any stretch of the imagination. And they were still portrayed as being wise. Even when they were doing something that seemed jerky, one was usually forced to admit that there was wisdom to their decision, even if they went about implementing it in a way that lacked sensitivity. Johns has taken them into a sudden plummet into both evil AND near total incompetence.
                          Mister Ed
                          Horse of a Different Color
                          Last edited by Mister Ed; 11-08-2012, 03:17 PM.


                          • #28
                            Pretty much every page Baz was on was a waste of paper. Just over a page of Hal Jordan? Terrible.

                            Nice art, good dialogue. I can live with the direction the corps and the Guardians are going on SOME level even if I feel it's a mistake and the status quo change isn't needed. The Baz character is just a COMPLETE waste of time and panel space though. I don't care about him or his story. I DON'T want him to stay around after this is over. I'd rather he lose his ring, and then he's smuggled away back to Guantanamo Bay never to be seen again. Ditch that fucking assclown.


                            • #29
                              Hal hasn't been the star of GL since 2007. Here's a bridge, now get over it, ya Mary!
                              The last fan of 1990s comics
                              Read my Green Lantern blog The Indigo Tribe


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Mister Ed View Post
                                This is not true at all. The Guardians didn't even start becoming anything resembling evil until Johns got his hands on them. This is not at all part of a natural progression. What started with GL/GA was the notion that the Guardians were out of touch with the concerns of mortals, being only concerned with the "big picture". They were portrayed as being insensitive, but not evil by any stretch of the imagination. And they were still portrayed as being wise. Even when they were doing something that seemed jerky, one was usually forced to admit that there was wisdom to their decision, even if they went about implementing it in a way that lacked sensitivity. Johns has taken them into a sudden plummet into both evil AND near total incompetence.
                                Can't help but disagree. I'm reminded when they decided it'd be a fantastic idea to program the CPB to explode is a Krugerian ever suffered death at their hands or the hands of the GLC ... and then left without telling anyone.

                                Or their how they hid the truth that touching Krona's servants in that "third law" story would shorten the lives of the GLs who fought against them (Ganthet went against their wishes and told the GLC this, the other Guardians were fine letting it happen).

                                Or how they let Jhon charge on the newly reconstructed CPB in Vol 3, seemingly knowing that would free Sinestro's spirit (didn't read Mosaic, but they kinda jerked him around in that Vol 3 story).

                                There's a lot of times where they were kind of jerks.

