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WINNICK! (Titans #5)

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  • WINNICK! (Titans #5)

    Has earned my fiery wrath. Anybody else who read Titans #5 will share my anger.

  • #2
    Bwuh? I moved?

    Eh, guess that makes sense.


    • #3
      I didn't get it yet what happened that made you mad, MAD?

      hehe kind of funny ain't I


      • #4 it.


        • #5
          I'll be getting my books tomorrow! am I going to be mad?


          • #6
            I ain't biting on that. The best I'll do is thumb through it at the comics shop. Later for Winick.


            • #7
              spoilers damn it - and Mad, Judd has been an issue on several books, including GL Vol 3
              My Ketogenic Journey


              • #8
                So what actually happened? For the rest of us that don't have the book and have no idea what the problem is....


                • #9
                  Two things. The first: Ending any possibility of romance bewtween Nightwing and Starfire, and the Big Thing: MAKING RAVEN EVIL AGAIN! GOD!


                  • #10
                    I suppose this is what he's talking about (and I had to go to the DCMB, so Mad YOU have earned MY firey wrath for that buddy)

                    Originally posted by alexx1 at the DCMB
                    So DC finally let readers know where they stand on the Dick/Kory front. Dick finally, after Kory bravely and courageously asked for the truth, answered. Do you love me? And not in a way that you love someone you've known your whole life, or someone you enjoy sleeping with because it's convienent and good. His answer: NO! I'm glad DC finally addressed it once and for all, even though I'm sure some folks won't be too happy.
                    honestly I could give a shit less about this
                    My Ketogenic Journey


                    • #11
                      Damnit, evil Raven again? I thought DC was done with screwing over the original members like that.


                      • #12
                        Well, that settles it; there's no way in hell now I'll be tackling the series in tpb format. I'll stick with Teen Titans, thank you very much.


                        • #13
                          honestly wtf is the big deal here?
                          My Ketogenic Journey


                          • #14
                            I don't see the big deal here either... I mean seriously, if you guys can handle Johns' bullshit... this should be no big deal.
                            Do good. Be well. Make happy.


                            • #15
                              i already hate Judd Winnick.

                              I hate how he always climbs on his soapbox when he writes comics, I hate how he always dicks around with his readers, and I hate how he changes characters.

                              His worst sin is bringing Jason Todd back.

                              I don't know how he keeps getting work.

