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Green Lantern Sales Numbers

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    Green Lantern Initiate

  • jhpace1
    I thought Wonder Woman defeating The Batman Who Laughs changed the status quo of the summer blockbuster "save the universe/multiverse".
    - Green Arrow always shoots last
    - Superman always is the moral center, and punches last
    - Batman tells everyone what to do
    - Green Lantern (choose one) makes the machine out of green construct energy that counters the machine the bad guy has
    - Robin/Teen Titans/newest superhero added to the team aids in Batman's pincer attack, or gets taken out early
    - Wonder Woman takes on the female evil sidekicks
    - Flash takes on the male evil sidekicks

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  • Trey Strain
    Guardian of the Universe

  • Trey Strain
    For very long time, DC has hyped Batgod at the expense of all their other characters.

    At every opportunity they've let everyone know that Batman is the world's greatest this, the world's greatest that, and the world's greatest the other.

    The message they've sent , without even being aware of it, is that the people would be stupid to take any interest in any of their other characters.

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  • Big Daddy Dave Skywalker
    Moisture Farmer

  • Big Daddy Dave Skywalker
    Originally posted by Space Cop View Post
    Looks like Comicchron stopped monthly sales charting at the end of 2021. I wanted to see how Thorne's GL was doing, but all I can figure out is that it wasn't in the top 50 last month.
    Yeah there was NO chance that title was making the top 50. Last I knew, maybe a dozen or so DC titles were making it, and all but one of them are Batman titles. Nothing at DC is selling unless it has a Batman tie in somewhere.

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  • Space Cop
    The Dandy

  • Space Cop
    Looks like Comicchron stopped monthly sales charting at the end of 2021. I wanted to see how Thorne's GL was doing, but all I can figure out is that it wasn't in the top 50 last month.

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  • Big Daddy Dave Skywalker
    Moisture Farmer

  • Big Daddy Dave Skywalker
    On a recent livestream, Geoff said that his GL is currently selling on par with what Morrisons GL season 1 and 2 were selling. Better than Morrisons worst months but not as well as his better ones. Which I would assume Geoff would be encouraged by.

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  • Big Blue Lantern
    Corps Honor Guard

  • Big Blue Lantern
    Justice League #66 sold 48,000 copies to finish at 37th in August.
    GL #5 sold 32,000 copies in July to finish 80th for the month.
    Justice League: Last Ride #4 sold 26,000 copies to finish at 108th.

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  • Big Daddy Dave Skywalker
    Moisture Farmer

  • Big Daddy Dave Skywalker
    Green Lantern already being down to 31k by its 4th issue is not a good sign.

    ...Or maybe it IS...

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  • Big Daddy Dave Skywalker
    Moisture Farmer

  • Big Daddy Dave Skywalker
    I didnt realize we were still able to capture any sales data after DC made their move from diamond distribution. Thanks for sharing.

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  • Space Cop
    The Dandy

  • Space Cop
    Cool. I hadn't checked to see if they were able to collate that info. I will try to remember to check and post in the future.

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  • Big Blue Lantern
    Corps Honor Guard

  • Big Blue Lantern
    Justice League #64 sold 51,000 copies to finish at 35th in July.
    Justice League #65 sold 47,000 copies to finish at 49th.
    GL #4 sold 31,000 copies in July to finish 94th for the month.
    Justice League: Last Ride #3 sold 30,000 to finish at 101.
    Justice League Infinity sold 30,000 to finish at #104.
    RWBY Justice League #4 sold 10,000 copies to finish at 216.

    That's all of the titles that I know have Green Lanterns as main characters. If I missed one or you know of GLs making cameos in other titles, post the numbers here.

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  • Big Daddy Dave Skywalker
    Moisture Farmer

  • Big Daddy Dave Skywalker

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  • Big Daddy Dave Skywalker
    Moisture Farmer

  • Big Daddy Dave Skywalker
    Yeah ditto to what BBL said. You've done an awesome job keeping updated on the ordering info for our hobby. Thanks.

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  • Space Cop
    The Dandy

  • Space Cop
    ^Thanks. I took it over from Raker years ago because I thought it was a good indicator of where our fandom sits in relation to the industry. Oh well, hopefully some day we'll get some way to merge this data.

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  • Big Blue Lantern
    Corps Honor Guard

  • Big Blue Lantern
    Originally posted by Space Cop View Post

    I'm sorry to say, by the way, that I won't be able to track the sales numbers anymore unless things change. Diamond's numbers (you can see those on comichron) are kept separate from other distributors.

    I saw that the east coast distributor listed GL as their 6th best in June, but that's only compared to other DC books and doesn't include units sold (which probably wouldn't be helpful anyway since you'd have to collect all the distributors). You can see the separate info for June here. Not a bad way to hide your place among the competition.
    We appreciate all the posts that you've made over the years tracking these numbers. Seriously, big thanks.

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  • Space Cop
    The Dandy

  • Space Cop

    I'm sorry to say, by the way, that I won't be able to track the sales numbers anymore unless things change. Diamond's numbers (you can see those on comichron) are kept separate from other distributors.

    I saw that the east coast distributor listed GL as their 6th best in June, but that's only compared to other DC books and doesn't include units sold (which probably wouldn't be helpful anyway since you'd have to collect all the distributors). You can see the separate info for June here. Not a bad way to hide your place among the competition.
    Space Cop
    The Dandy
    Last edited by Space Cop; 07-16-2020, 03:32 AM.

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