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Zachary Quinto Opens Up About Life 'As A Gay Man'

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  • #46
    Zach Quinto is wicked hot. I've been on board since Heroes.
    I LOVE conspiracy theorists. They are like human versions of the cymbal clapping, dancing monkeys. No one takes them all that seriously and they get bored with them after about 10 minutes.


    • #47
      Originally posted by Tazer View Post

      Id say he was ONE OF the leads w/said in that last Star Trek outing; will certainly be interesting to see if hes still involved w/Uhura in the next film........

      You brought up something interesting here- If he's not involved with Uhura in the next flick, people will speculate that he might be uncomfortable with the scenes because of his orientation. Either way, people are going to gossip and this is something that could have been avoided by keeping his personal life private.


      • #48
        I lvoe that everyone says keep you life private when a gay person comes out but we are a-ok with all the high profile views of who all the straights are dating. A sex tape of a Kardashian will show up and damn near the entire world wants to see it but if a gay actors sex tape came out it would be EWWWWW Keep that shit private its no ones business. It's a disguting and sad mindset. No one seems to have problems with straight people discussing their sexuality right? Rap music is damn near nothing but dudes talking about how much pussy they wanna pipe. I don't hear anyone telling them to keep it private. On another note, if a hot female celeb came out and said she was a lesbian half the men in the world would hang on every word she says about it and couldn't wait to hear more.
        I LOVE conspiracy theorists. They are like human versions of the cymbal clapping, dancing monkeys. No one takes them all that seriously and they get bored with them after about 10 minutes.


        • #49
          Originally posted by sylent_asassin View Post
          You brought up something interesting here- If he's not involved with Uhura in the next flick, people will speculate that he might be uncomfortable with the scenes because of his orientation. Either way, people are going to gossip and this is something that could have been avoided by keeping his personal life private.
          He had a couple of sex scenes with Kristen Bell in Heroes
          Winner of THE INFAMOUS PEOPLE DRAFT 2011


          • #50

            just kidding Train.


            • #51
              Oh you
              I LOVE conspiracy theorists. They are like human versions of the cymbal clapping, dancing monkeys. No one takes them all that seriously and they get bored with them after about 10 minutes.


              • #52
                Originally posted by Lantern A-train View Post
                I lvoe that everyone says keep you life private when a gay person comes out but we are a-ok with all the high profile views of who all the straights are dating. A sex tape of a Kardashian will show up and damn near the entire world wants to see it but if a gay actors sex tape came out it would be EWWWWW Keep that shit private its no ones business. It's a disguting and sad mindset. No one seems to have problems with straight people discussing their sexuality right? Rap music is damn near nothing but dudes talking about how much pussy they wanna pipe. I don't hear anyone telling them to keep it private. On another note, if a hot female celeb came out and said she was a lesbian half the men in the world would hang on every word she says about it and couldn't wait to hear more.
                You do realize there are plenty of people that would not watch a Kardshian sex tape, have no interest in who celebs are dating, gay or straight, and find those Rap lyrics offensive, right? I know they (and I count myself among them) are generally dismissed as prudes (because of COURSE we all SHOULD be fascinated by other people's sex lives and WANT to know all about them ) but they do exist.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Lantern A-train View Post
                  I lvoe that everyone says keep you life private when a gay person comes out but we are a-ok with all the high profile views of who all the straights are dating. A sex tape of a Kardashian will show up and damn near the entire world wants to see it but if a gay actors sex tape came out it would be EWWWWW Keep that shit private its no ones business. It's a disguting and sad mindset. No one seems to have problems with straight people discussing their sexuality right? Rap music is damn near nothing but dudes talking about how much pussy they wanna pipe. I don't hear anyone telling them to keep it private. On another note, if a hot female celeb came out and said she was a lesbian half the men in the world would hang on every word she says about it and couldn't wait to hear more.
                  You know, you're right to a degree as there's a double standard here. Speaking only for myself, I think everyone should keep their personal life private, but maybe I'm one of the few that don't give a damn, straight or gay. Just entertain me in the movies and I'll be satisfied.

                  With rappers, they pretty much make a living on being vulgar and objectifying women so... *shrug*

                  As far as the sex tapes, yeah, I'd watch anything Kim Kardashian pumped out, howwwwever, you couldn't pay me to watch Paris Hilton or Chyna.


                  • #54
                    Oh I am aware that they exist and that is all well and good. I will clarify better then. For the most part I mean the hypocrites there are tons of people in the world like the ones I just described. I dont dismiss them as prudes. Hell even I stopped listening to rap music for the same reasons. If people think that makes me a prude then so be it. But I hate people (and no offense it's mostly you straight men who think this way) Two Women? OK!! Two Men? NO WAY!!!!!! Some men out there can't even see half of a male left buttcheek before they having an entire body coniption about. If you say you don't care that's all well and good but make sure you keep that mindset for all not just picking and choosing based off of who you like.

                    I don't NEED to know who is or isn't gay but just like with famous black people it does make me happy to know that there are people like me out in the world making it and doing things like this. You may not care but to that aspiring actor who as a child may think he can't be an actor because of that or because society shuns it or yells keep it behind closed doors, it does matter.
                    I LOVE conspiracy theorists. They are like human versions of the cymbal clapping, dancing monkeys. No one takes them all that seriously and they get bored with them after about 10 minutes.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Lantern A-train View Post
                      But I hate people (and no offense it's mostly you straight men who think this way) Two Women? OK!! Two Men? NO WAY!!!!!!
                      I agree with your sentiment if you are talking about people trying to dictate what others should like or be allowed to see.

                      I have to say that I don't think one has a right to criticize that as a PERSONAL preference. People find attractive what they find attractive. I can't really fault anybody for their personal tastes when it comes to what kind of sexual activity they find appealing. I may not agree (or in some cases be able to remotely comprehend it), but I don't think getting bent out of shape over the fact that a lot of guys find gay male sex very unappealing to watch makes much sense.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Lantern A-train View Post
                        I don't NEED to know who is or isn't gay but just like with famous black people it does make me happy to know that there are people like me out in the world making it and doing things like this. You may not care but to that aspiring actor who as a child may think he can't be an actor because of that or because society shuns it or yells keep it behind closed doors, it does matter.
                        Reminds me of the story Nichelle Nichols tells about how she almost left Star Trek until a fan convinced her to stay.

                        Originally posted by Mister Ed View Post
                        I agree with your sentiment if you are talking about people trying to dictate what others should like or be allowed to see.

                        I have to say that I don't think one has a right to criticize that as a PERSONAL preference. People find attractive what they find attractive. I can't really fault anybody for their personal tastes when it comes to what kind of sexual activity they find appealing. I may not agree (or in some cases be able to remotely comprehend it), but I don't think getting bent out of shape over the fact that a lot of guys find gay male sex very unappealing to watch makes much sense.
                        There's not liking something, and there's being a dick about not liking something.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by plastroncafe View Post
                          There's not liking something, and there's being a dick about not liking something.
                          So, like the difference between my kids saying, "No thanks" when my wife offers them somthing at dinner, and them saying, "Eww, gross! I hate that!"?

                          (I can't figure out why it is SOOO hard to teach my kids that calling food that someone has prepared for you "gross" is unacceptable behavior. We don't force them to eat it (which my parents sometimes did), just offer it.)


                          • #58

                            Originally posted by sylent_asassin View Post
                            As far as the sex tapes, yeah, I'd watch anything Kim Kardashian pumped out, howwwwever, you couldn't pay me to watch Paris Hilton or Chyna.
                            I have no shame: Id watch any of the 3, and w/great relish to boot!!


                            Originally posted by Lantern A-train View Post
                            But I hate people (and no offense it's mostly you straight men who think this way) Two Women? OK!! Two Men? NO WAY!!!!!! Some men out there can't even see half of a male left buttcheek before they having an entire body coniption about. If you say you don't care that's all well and good but make sure you keep that mindset for all not just picking and choosing based off of who you like.
                            sorry AT, but theres just no way Im going to look at a m/m love scene the same way I look @ a f/f one, or even a m/f bit.

                            why? cuz that too much sausage, and when it comes to matters of skin Im not focused on *him*, but on HER (and really, for my lust preferrences, the more HER I get ta see (even better if its MORE THAN ONE), the happier I am............whereas a scene w/man love isnt something I would preferrably want/chose to waste eye-juice on.

                            that being said, I dont oppose gay scenes in straight movies, but I wont be pay too much when they come on understanably.


                            Originally posted by Andrew NDB
                            Geoff Johns should have a 10 mile restraining order from comic books, let alone films.


                            • #59
                              That Chyna one was disgusting
                              Winner of THE INFAMOUS PEOPLE DRAFT 2011


                              • #60

                                which 1? there've been 2 (seen'em both as well )

                                That Evil, Yellow Bastiche
                                Last edited by Tazer; 10-19-2011, 12:19 AM.

                                Originally posted by Andrew NDB
                                Geoff Johns should have a 10 mile restraining order from comic books, let alone films.

