

The point of this Forum Section

Some members are a little iffy on what should go in the Games & Humor forum section so.

Trivial games like "the person above you game" should be placed in this forum.

Humor of all kinds also belongs here, like the "Superman has a problem with kinky sex" thread.

What does not belong here would be things like video games, board games. Or humor coming directly out of comic books or discussion of books.

Boardgames and the like would go in the Action Figure and Toys section as could video games, though those could also be posted in the General Forum Section.

also any posts in this Forum Section do not count towards your post count.

Hope that helps!
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  • Originally posted by Brady SD View Post
    A young guy from Minnesota moves to Florida and goes to a big everything-under-one-roof department store looking for a job.

    The Manager says, “Do you have any sales experience?”

    The kid says “Yeah. I was a salesman back in Minnesota “

    Well, the boss liked the kid and gave him the job. “You start tomorrow. I'll come down after we close and see how you did.”

    His first day on the job was rough, but he got through it.

    After the store was locked up, the boss came down. “How many customers bought something from you today?”

    The kid says, “One.”

    The boss says, “Just one? Our sales people average 20 to 30 customers a day. How much was the sale for?'”

    The kid says, “$101,237.65.”

    The boss says, “$101,237.65? What in the world did you sell?” The kid says, 'First, I sold him a small fish hook. Then I sold him a medium fishhook. Then I sold him a larger fishhook. Then I sold him a new fishing rod. Then I asked him where he was going fishing, and he said down the coast, so I told him he was going to need a boat, so we went down to the boat department, and I sold him a twin engine Chris Craft. Then he said he didn't think his Honda Civic would pull it, so I took him down to the automotive department and sold him that 4x4 Expedition.'

    The boss said 'A guy came in here to buy a fish hook and you sold him a BOAT and a TRUCK?'

    The kid said 'No, the guy came in here to buy Tampons for his wife, and I said, 'Dude, your weekend's shot, you should go fishing!'


    Hey, should this this still be called the BAD Joke Thread, or can we change it to just the JOKE Thread?


    • -Scientology: One mans bar bet that got WAY out of hand

      -You know you've got a problem when every letter of the alphabet triggers a porn bonanza in your address bar.

      -Kate Moss and jeremy clarkson are at a celebrity do. She says "I'm a model, what do you do?" He replies "I do Top Gear."

      She said "Wicked! I'll have an eighth."

      -I don't get American action films. you see people like Rambo and chuck norris going into battle on their own and winning against massive armies, yet america sent a whole army over to Vietnam and lost.

      -What's the differance getween Bigfoot and a competant 2012 candidate for the Republicans?

      People have actually captured Bigfoot on tape

      Originally posted by Plastroncafe
      Freedom of Speech does not mean Freedom From Being Called Out For Spouting Bullshit.


      • lol, I like that Bigfoot one.


        • Mockey Mouse and Minnie Mouse have decided to get a divorce. So, they eventually find their way into court. The judge looks over their file, then turns to Mickey.

          "So, Mickey Mouse, you want to divorce your wife?"

          "Yes, your honor."

          "And you wish to do this because..." The judge glances down at the document again, "...because your wife is losing her mind." The Judge says.

          "I didn't say she was losing her mind, your honor; I said she was Fucking Goofy."


          Cinderella wants to go to the Ball. So, her Fairy Godmother arrives and allows her to go to the ball- under 2 conditions:

          1. She agrees to wear a diaphragm, and 2. She be home by 2 A.M.

          "If you are not home by 2 A.M., your diaphragm will turn into a pumpkin." Cinderella agrees, and leaves for the Ball. The next morning, Cinderella arrives home at 5 A.M. The Fairy Godmother, who stayed up waiting for her, approaches her.

          "What happened?! You were supposed to be home by 2 A.M. Your diaphragm should have turned into a pumpkin!" Cinderella smiles, and responds.

          "Oh, no. I found a nice Prince who took care of it." The Fairy Godmother becomes confused.

          "What do you mean? There's no Prince in the whole land!"

          "Really?" Cinderella asks.

          "Yes!" The Fairy Godmother says, "What was his name?" She asks.

          "Oh, I forget..." Cinderella says, thinking, "Peter Peter Something..."


          • The Cinderella one was hilarious.


            • It's a little old school, but still funny.


              • I don't get it.


                • Originally posted by W.West View Post
                  I don't get it.
                  Peter Peter, pumpkin eater.


                  • Originally posted by W.West View Post
                    I don't get it.
                    Peter Peter, pumkin eater.

                    Her diapragm turned into a pumkin.


                    • Originally posted by Robinson View Post
                      Peter Peter, pumkin eater.

                      Her diapragm turned into a pumkin.
                      Too slow.


                      • Originally posted by myuserid View Post
                        Peter Peter, pumpkin eater.
                        Originally posted by Robinson View Post
                        Peter Peter, pumkin eater.

                        Her diapragm turned into a pumkin.

                        I suppose it would have been funnier if I got it without your help...I prefer the Mickey one.


                        • Originally posted by myuserid View Post
                          Too slow.
                          I had to read the joke.


                          • Ah, the cybernetic-printed-laughing-sounds of others... warms my heart.


                            • BEST JOKE EVER

                              Originally posted by fearless2814.1 View Post
                              ...I fail to see the awesomeness and/or epicness in the above picture.


                              • My comments are NOT jokes, you JERK!

