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#1 Greatest Villain of All-Time

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  • #61

    Originally posted by BuckyBarnes45 View Post
    It's been years since I read that poorly written series, but I recall Doom BEATING teh Beyonder and taking his power. Hardly "begging"

    Sinestro? Begged and was killed but the GLs.
    Doom did beat the Beyonder, but it was due to a last min save from something he had hidden in his armor and only just barely managed to pull off.

    as for his initial assualt against Bey he got TORN APART, and called upon the heroes (and villains too IIRC) for some/*any* type of support as his body was literally ripped to shreds. so yea, he did in-fact beg/plead for help.

    and note: I didnt say he LOST to Bey, only that he got his ass handed to him, which is 100% true.


    Originally posted by Andrew NDB
    Geoff Johns should have a 10 mile restraining order from comic books, let alone films.


    • #62

      Originally posted by GLJIMT View Post
      my pick is the Catholic Church... not the people I have no issue with Catholics only the actual entity that is the church , but take a look at what the actual church has done over the years!
      wat.....the collection of funds to continue to spread The Word is evil now?




      Originally posted by Andrew NDB
      Geoff Johns should have a 10 mile restraining order from comic books, let alone films.


      • #63
        I was at the comic shop today and it hit me liek a ton of bricks... how could I have possibly forgotten about Primus, from Superman: Godfall?! Primus was a total badass... and his outfit was fucking awesome! Which is funny because the outfit Superman wore in the Godfall storyarc was my favorite Superman suit, as well.
        Do good. Be well. Make happy.


        • #64
          Yes, Jim is the winner. Although could we take it a step further and say God himself is the greatest evil? I mean, he has the power to create anything, and he was the one that created Evil in the first place, so...?
          Last edited by Maverick_GL; 02-19-2008, 08:19 AM.
          Winner: Reality TV draft 2014

          "Weeds. All of them weeds. I am perfection, and I am alone in the garden of the universe." - Cyborg Superman


          • #65


            *makes sure to keep eye out for "Lightning Bolt O' Justice"*


            Originally posted by Andrew NDB
            Geoff Johns should have a 10 mile restraining order from comic books, let alone films.


            • #66
              I honestly can't choose only one, but I love:

              Krona, Sinestro, Bullseye, Deathstroke, Magneto, Cyborg Superman, the A-M, Superman Prime, Black Adam, Kid Miracleman, Thanos, Darkseid, Doomsday(in spite of his overuse..), Mephisto, Dr. Doom, the Joker, Luthor, Zoom, Captain Cold, Venom, the Goblins, Dr. Octopus..

              My list would just go on and on, but I love those!


              • #67
                At this point in time, it's between Sinestro and Darkseid, with a slight edge to Darkseid.The Anti-Monitor would rank right up there, but, lately, he has become a joke, with the Cape thing, and whatnot.


                • #68

                  Wow, kick-back from 2008, huh? I wonder what I would have said back then.

                  Hmm, "The Greatest Villain of all Time"....Well, villain can have many meanings, kind of like you have Lawful Evil, Neutral Evil, and Chaotic Evil. When I think of what the ultimate villain would be, I'm thinking a person who has absolutely no ties to anyone else, pure evil in its most insidious form, a being born hateful and venomous from the very start with no regard to life of any kind. A being so malicious without outside environmental conditioning, so dastardly in deed, so cunning and manipulative that not even those on "the inside track" have any clue of who they are really dealing with. Absolutely no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

                  Given that, I'm gonna go with this guy:


                  • #69

                    my God bored were U to dig this thread up?!??


                    Originally posted by Andrew NDB
                    Geoff Johns should have a 10 mile restraining order from comic books, let alone films.


                    • #70
                      Best Marvel villain is this guy:

                      Best DC Villain:


                      • #71
                        from a tv show

                        gemma teller. she is the queen of all lies and knows enough secrets to bury a empire

                        movie wise

                        tony montana

                        scifi show

                        scorpius from farscape

                        .................................................. ..........................

                        Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by Booster Beetle View Post
                          Best Marvel villain is this guy:

                          Best DC Villain:

                          Can't really say much about the Riddler; don't know his back story (if he even has one), and I've always thought of him as a second tier villain. If we are strictly speaking DC Universe, the first few beings that come to mind are Nekron, Darkseid (but that's an iffy one because he has a cause), and especially the Joker because he is chaos supreme with no remorse/regret.

                          But let's think about the title of this thread: The GREATEST villain of all time. The word "great" can take on both a positive and negative aspect. A "great and terrible tsunami" or a "Wonderfully great day". I think it's important to make that distinguishable.

                          On Magneto, I wouldn't necessarily classify him as a villain, even though he has done villainous deeds in his life. Magneto was not born a monster; he was made one through years of torture and enslavement courtesy of the Nazi Regime. And he also has a cause - the freedom of Mutants. He shares that with Charles Xavier, but what separates them is how they view humans in connection with mutants- one wants to live in peace, the other wants mutants to reign over humans. Magneto believes he is doing the right thing, whether others agree with it or not, and he wants the betterment of his people. While I would certainly not put him in the "heroes" category, I would contend that he is a three-dimensional character with many levels people need to understand before they simply slap the word "villain" on him.


                          • #73
                            Hmmm this thread must've been posted during one of my off months...

                            Nowadays I'd say for DC it'd be Deathstroke just for pure badassness. Joker and Black Manta would be close seconds. For Marvel I'd say Doom, Red Skull, or Magneto.

                            One of my all time favorites though has got to be the Clown/Violator combo featured in Spawn.



                            • #74
                              Sorry Doom, Magneto put humans into ovens like the Nazi's did and turned Manhattan into his own personal playground.

                              Dude is villain to the teeeeee


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by Iggy View Post
                                Sorry Doom, Magneto put humans into ovens like the Nazi's did and turned Manhattan into his own personal playground.

                                Dude is villain to the teeeeee
                                4 realz? got a link for that? I totally admit, I'm not the biggest X-Men fan in the world; most of what I know about him is through encounters with Doom. I honestly didn't know about the ovens thing, though.

