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The Ethan Van Sciver Talk Back thread

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  • Anyways, the concept was pretty much this:

    -The Jacket and belt from Guy
    -The long cape from Alan Scott (but cut off the long collar 3/4 lol)
    -The Triangular shape of John's costume
    -Have the shoulders green like Hals
    -the Gauntlets of Kyle
    -and screw it, the shoulder piece from Parallax! (love that costume...)
    -Black pants with a nice green stripe going down on the legs toward the awesome white boots!
    -a combination of Hal & Alan's mask!
    -have the Green Lantern symbol dead center of the cloak with combinations of green and white expanding around the symbol

    You can alter anything you'd like to this concept if you like Mr. Van Sciver.

    But if you don't want to try this out then it's all good. :grin:

    + + + + = ?

    (sorry, for some reason i had to cut it up into 2 posts)
    As the seventh seal is broken, the four shall ride once more. Bringing the wrath of War

    But what starts with War, ends with Death


    • That's called a commission, and they cost money.


      • drat D=
        As the seventh seal is broken, the four shall ride once more. Bringing the wrath of War

        But what starts with War, ends with Death


        • Originally posted by Mr.Dragon01 View Post
          drat D=
          You'll have better luck hitting him up on facebook.


          • Originally posted by Mr.Dragon01 View Post
            -Have the shoulders green like Hals
            -and screw it, the shoulder piece from Parallax!


            • I don't like that "hmmm..." comment from before, makes me think he's up to something, the only thing he's missing is the shifty eyes!

              Ghost of the Flashchat
              Last edited by Mr.Dragon01; 08-04-2010, 10:32 AM.
              As the seventh seal is broken, the four shall ride once more. Bringing the wrath of War

              But what starts with War, ends with Death


              • I have to vent!.... I went to see Van Sciver in Philly at the WW con and was disappointed after talking to him on Facebook he said he would like to have one of my Light Up Sinestro Rings...I was glad to oblige, I told him that I would be happy to make him one, In return all I asked for was a pic of him wearing it! He said gladly!
                So I dropped it off with him and he asked for me to come back by later so that we could get a pic...Yeah 30 min. later he left the con and then the next day he apologized and I asked if we could get a pic that day ..He said sorry I left the ring in the Hotel!...I understood, So I hit him up on FB and asked for him to shoot me a pic for my collection and he was a total ass and said he wouldn't do it! Since then he has said my other rings look great but he has yet fulfilled his part of the deal! If I were to ask him to do a commission he would want to be paid! What makes him think I am any different?? He posed with a Green Lantern ring for me in Charlotte and all I wanted was to have another pic for my scrapbook. He really rubbed me wrong by doing this!. So now I'm selling the book I had him sketch for me on Ebay. I'm no longer the fan I once was! I also have like 10 rings that he signed for me I am parting with!

                No matter what your Power,....I got a ring for that!


                • Your post makes me sad face.

                  But I'm sure Mr. Van Schiver had his reasons

                  (I'm not taking sides, I am Mr. Neutral!)
                  As the seventh seal is broken, the four shall ride once more. Bringing the wrath of War

                  But what starts with War, ends with Death


                  • The least he could do is send me my rings back! Or send me the money back I paid him to do the sketch on that Hulk, I'd be happy to give it back to him!. It no longer has the same meaning for me!!
                    I guess it's true !...Never meet the people who you admire the most!
                    Green Lantern
                    Last edited by Batjeepster; 08-04-2010, 12:00 PM.
                    No matter what your Power,....I got a ring for that!


                    • Originally posted by Batjeepster View Post
                      I have to vent!.... I went to see Van Sciver in Philly at the WW con and was disappointed after talking to him on Facebook he said he would like to have one of my Light Up Sinestro Rings...I was glad to oblige, I told him that I would be happy to make him one, In return all I asked for was a pic of him wearing it! He said gladly!
                      So I dropped it off with him and he asked for me to come back by later so that we could get a pic...Yeah 30 min. later he left the con and then the next day he apologized and I asked if we could get a pic that day ..He said sorry I left the ring in the Hotel!...I understood, So I hit him up on FB and asked for him to shoot me a pic for my collection and he was a total ass and said he wouldn't do it! Since then he has said my other rings look great but he has yet fulfilled his part of the deal! If I were to ask him to do a commission he would want to be paid! What makes him think I am any different?? He posed with a Green Lantern ring for me in Charlotte and all I wanted was to have another pic for my scrapbook. He really rubbed me wrong by doing this!. So now I'm selling the book I had him sketch for me on Ebay. I'm no longer the fan I once was! I also have like 10 rings that he signed for me I am parting with!

                      I'm going to stop talking to fans if this kind of thing keeps happening. Not to hurt your feelings, but I NEVER asked for a ring. You followed me around Facebook asking to show me your rings, and I said they were cool. You asked if I wanted one, and I politely said, "Sure." I immediately forgot about it, until I saw you at Philly, and you showed up with a lot of rings to demonstrate, asking me to take pictures with them...(Which I did, as you've shown) and then giving them to me.

                      I get little gifts all the time from fans. I appreciate them, but not at the cost of being hassled for photographs, and angry posts on Green Lantern message boards. The solution: Don't show me things that you've made, ask my opinion of them, offer to give them to me, give them to me, and expect something in return. I love my fans, but you don't know what conventions are like to me. They're LUNACY. It's hard to fulfill everyone's wishes, and it's hard to stay organized.

                      As for refunding money for a sketch done and accepted at a convention because your feelings are hurt, that's ridiculous. You're a grown man. And you're mad because I only took one photograph for you instead of two? I don't get it.

                      Ethan Van Sciver


                      • Holy crap. He replied.

                        I wonder if Geoff is on here under an Alt account.


                        • Maybe, it is possible but I think he'd be more open and just register under his own name

                          Anyways EVS, is there any comic series/miniseries/title you were asked to draw for/work on, turned it down then regretted it later on?

                          Originally posted by Plastroncafe
                          Freedom of Speech does not mean Freedom From Being Called Out For Spouting Bullshit.


                          • ethan if you were given a chance to do a dc marvel cross over who would you pick to be the big names for the title?
                            .................................................. ..........................

                            Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


                            • Had to see that coming, Sorry Jeepster I'm on EVS' side. Cons are the absolute worst place to ask for more than anything but a sketch, artists are pulled in every direction trying to get signings, panels and the occasional business meeting in. They go to cons to work and when they can they try to get time in for the fans. As hectic a schedule as he has I'm really surprised he had time to reply.

                              She blinded me with SCIENCE!


                              • Originally posted by TheGoatLantern View Post
                                Had to see that coming, Sorry Jeepster I'm on EVS' side. Cons are the absolute worst place to ask for more than anything but a sketch, artists are pulled in every direction trying to get signings, panels and the occasional business meeting in. They go to cons to work and when they can they try to get time in for the fans. As hectic a schedule as he has I'm really surprised he had time to reply.

