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The Hal and Arisia thing.

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  • They should have just retconned Arisia's age to have always been 18. Graxians aging at a slow rate once they're adult?It has a biological purpose.Graxians aging at a slow rate even as kids?That makes no sense.Just imagine the puberty there.You'd have to wait DECADES for booze and porn


    • Originally posted by Gauntlet101010 View Post
      To make your housefly analogy work, Arisia would have to be mentally slow.

      You're assuming that her race is mentally equivalent to Humans. That they mature mentally the same rate they mature physically, in the same ratio's that we do.

      Perhaps their 14 year olds are more mature and mentally advanced than our 30 year olds.

      But even assuming all of that, Arisia would have to be no more mentally slow than a 14 year old.

      Either way, you're making a lot of assumptions.


      • It's still time for this thread to drop out of sight.


        • Originally posted by lokeinlyesmith View Post
          You're assuming that her race is mentally equivalent to Humans. That they mature mentally the same rate they mature physically, in the same ratio's that we do.

          Perhaps their 14 year olds are more mature and mentally advanced than our 30 year olds.

          But even assuming all of that, Arisia would have to be no more mentally slow than a 14 year old.

          Either way, you're making a lot of assumptions.
          This is comics where we're privy to a character's thoughts. I'm not assuming anything.

          The retcon works only if you've never read her early adventures. Then you can kinda make the statements you've made and see it as no problem. I'm taking the retcon and applying it to her earlier adventures, when she actually was 14 Earth years old and was actually shown to develop along the same lines as humans. Doesn't fit so well.
          Last edited by Gauntlet101010; 08-19-2010, 10:05 PM.


          • Originally posted by Gauntlet101010 View Post
            This is comics where we're privy to a character's thoughts. I'm not assuming anything.

            The retcon works only if you've never read her early adventures. Then you can kinda make the statements you've made and see it as no problem. I'm taking the retcon and applying it to her earlier adventures, when she actually was 14 Earth years old and was actually shown to develop along the same lines as humans. Doesn't fit so well.
            She's not human. You can't apply the same rules and guidelines to her development.


            • Originally posted by lokeinlyesmith View Post
              She's not human. You can't apply the same rules and guidelines to her development.
              I guess you feel the same way about Kryptonians, Daxamites, Rannians, Winathians, Titanians, Braalians, Thanagarians .... and every single other alien race in the DCU, right?


              • Originally posted by Gauntlet101010 View Post
                I guess you feel the same way about Kryptonians, Daxamites, Rannians, Winathians, Titanians, Braalians, Thanagarians .... and every single other alien race in the DCU, right?
                Well... Yeah. That's only logical.


                • Originally posted by lokeinlyesmith View Post
                  Well... Yeah. That's only logical.
                  Well, then there's no talking to you.


                  • Originally posted by Spy Smasher View Post
                    It's still time for this thread to drop out of sight.
                    No offense, but it's pretty easy to just not read it. I skip a lot of threads here because I'm either not interested or not conversant enough on the topic. If it really bothers you, stop clicking on threads called "The Hal and Arisia thing." That's my attitude to reality TV; it pisses me off so I don't watch it.


                    • Originally posted by Onabyrcse View Post

                      So that makes Bizarro an incestic pedophile or what?
                      This explains why everyone in Bizarro World is stupid.And chalk-skinned.Seriously,can you imagine "the talk" there?

                      Bizzaro kid-Were do babies come from pa?
                      Bizarro father-Well kiddo,when a bald mad scientist and a cloning vat love each other very much...


                      • I never got it!

