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The Wrestling Thread Vol. 3

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  • i called cena winning the RR and going against rock at WM sometime last year and beating him for the title. if someone is surprised about what they see on wwe tv i feel for them.


    • Originally posted by d3v1lb0y View Post
      no comments about tonight's RAW????

      No Lesnar fans out there?
      Or anyone surprised of Cena v Rock @WM ??

      It seemed to give credibility to the rumored lineup of Rock vs Cena, Lesnar vs HHH, and Punk vs Taker.
      Check out my Green Lantern product reviews on Twitter as the Emerald Enthusiast! @EmeraldEnthusi1



        You can't see me now, sunk, my time is now. The franchise man, yeah I'm shining now.

        Yeah I know, I'm late with this. You know I haven't watched any wrestling since November and the most worrying thing that I didn't even miss it. I didn't even watch highlights or read about it. Maybe a combo of getting older and WWE just being awful is slowly killing me off, like some of you.

        I saw some ads for the rumble and knew The Rock would be ending Punk, so I gave it a watch. I thought it was alright and much better than last years show overall.

        I thought Ryberg was going to win the rumble until I saw Cena was in it, then I knew what was going to happen. TBH Cena has not had the title for ages and even though it will pain me when he beats the Rock at WM, I can't get too mad. My only complaint is that did he really need a Rumble win to challenge Rock? They could have got there some other way and gave Ryberg or Ziggler the win on the rumble.

        ADR is a face now? wtf? thats just odd to me. LOL at the Miz, he has gone from being the main event at WM, to being the opening match on youtube, holy crap what a fall. He is probably just saving up his money, so he can just walk away, like most these days.

        Yeah and Eve quit? wth theirs hardly any diva's left. It must be the same two girls on every PPV/Show.

        I haven't seen the Shield(lights out cole shouting like a madman) so can't say too much about them, but Nexus and Corre didnt get anywhere in the end and Nexus had a lot more heat than these guys right now.

        I might watch EC and will certainly give WM a watch.

        Hope all you guys are cool.



        • Originally posted by d3v1lb0y View Post
          no comments about tonight's RAW????

          No Lesnar fans out there?
          Or anyone surprised of Cena v Rock @WM ??

          HA HA HA HA HA HA
          I turned RAW off before so I missed Lesnar's return.

          The best thing about the Royal Rumble was Chris Jericho. I hope he sticks around for a while.

          As for Elimination Chamber...who is going to be in the Smackdown chamber? ADR, Big Show, Sheamus, Orton...Mysterio? Cody?


          • there may be only 1 chamber match instead of a raw and SD one.


            • Goldust was good at the rumble!!

              I think @EC there's only going to be one EC match ..can't really see Rocky in one, it's going to be ADR, Show, Ryback, Damien, Cody & Barrett ..for the WWEC straight up Rock v Punk in order to leave CM out of the title picture for WM

              Cena, Sheamus & Orton v The Shield
              Ziggler v Jericho
              Team Hell No v PTP
              Tamina v Kaitlin
              maybe start Mysterio v Sin Cara

              Bring on CHAOS, bring on MY HAPPINESS, bring on rage ..Rage ..RAGE!!!

              facebook: d3v1lb0y888 ...twitter: d3v1lb0y_8 ..instagram: d3v1lb0y


              • Originally posted by Robinson View Post
                He was given a ticket by the cop.

                Why wouldn't they then let him in.

                C'Mon man, keep up.
                Because being in possession of a ticket doesn't remove a ban? I know it's always been done before, where the wrestler(s) shows up with a ticket after being banned from the building. It's so lazy though. As if to say The Rock could have just walked over to the box office and thwarted Vickie's plan with the use of his American Express platinum club card.


                • The Rock's return has been rather lackluster in my opinion, but it appears to be doing it's job. I just see a guy coming in and trying to be the man he was a decade ago, and only achieving at about a 65% success rate. The match with Punk was just boring, especially when you consider the finish was not up to par with PPV title matches. They also did a horrible job of putting any attention to the fact that this record breaking title reign was over, never mind that The Rock had come back after all the years and was once again champion. Both of these things should have been played up as huge deals, but instead the whole thing was rather pedestrian.

                  I personally think that Rock/Cena II could have been done without having a title belt on the line. Keep the title on Punk, then if Undertaker can go at WM have streak versus streak. Could you imagine if Punk had beaten The Rock? He comes out the next night on Raw, or the RAW after EC, and declares that his streak lives on and there is absolutely no one left to prove himself against. *GONG*

                  How huge of a selling point would that be? It would probably be the most legitimate debate about ending The Undertaker's WM streak.


                  • That's a good scenario but useless because taker can't go like he did and they wouldn't end his streak, so taker would win the belt and then have to drop it a week or a month later.


                    • Originally posted by The Hutch View Post
                      Because being in possession of a ticket doesn't remove a ban? I know it's always been done before, where the wrestler(s) shows up with a ticket after being banned from the building. It's so lazy though. As if to say The Rock could have just walked over to the box office and thwarted Vickie's plan with the use of his American Express platinum club card.
                      I was being sarcastic tho.


                      • Originally posted by Robinson View Post
                        That's a good scenario but useless because taker can't go like he did and they wouldn't end his streak, so taker would win the belt and then have to drop it a week or a month later.
                        But who would care what happens to Taker's title reign? Punk losing to Taker at WrestleMania would have been much more significant than what we got at Royal Rumble.

                        I don't think Taker is going to make it to the Rumble. At least for a match. There's talk of Ryback vs Taker which would make sense only because no one would expect much out of it besides chanting.

                        I'm just waiting for Brock vs Punk.


                        • Brock n Punk is useless.!!

                          no one cares about Brock anymore

                          Cena will be champion again, hopefully the Rock goes to making movies full time
                          HHH v Brock II that HHH establish himself as the new WWE chariman
                          Punk v Taker would be nice, so Punk learns about "respect"
                          Mysterio v Sin Cara to fill in 10 minutes in WM
                          There will be another Shield v 3 other guts
                          Cessaro will lose his title
                          Barret will retain his
                          Kaitlin will probably retain in a Divas Battle Royal
                          Team Hell No will drop the titles
                          Bring on CHAOS, bring on MY HAPPINESS, bring on rage ..Rage ..RAGE!!!

                          facebook: d3v1lb0y888 ...twitter: d3v1lb0y_8 ..instagram: d3v1lb0y


                          • Originally posted by Robinson View Post
                            I was being sarcastic tho.
                            I totally dug that, bro. It just got me going off again about the whole thing. Didn't mean to make it look like that.


                            • Originally posted by d3v1lb0y View Post

                              no one cares about Brock anymore


                              • Originally posted by The Hutch View Post
                                so what?

                                WWE drones, I mean fans ..cheer for anyone
                                Brock lost all my respect since he ran away from UFC

                                via Motorola RAZR Droid
                                Bring on CHAOS, bring on MY HAPPINESS, bring on rage ..Rage ..RAGE!!!

                                facebook: d3v1lb0y888 ...twitter: d3v1lb0y_8 ..instagram: d3v1lb0y

