Originally posted by W.West
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Guardians of the Galaxy - The Movie - Spoiler Thread
I'll go ahead and say this now... had GL only had a single villain and more alien GL's with voice actors showcased like Ch'p, Morro, etc... the GL movie would've done a lot better. GotG proves that even C-listers can make for good movies and I hope it has WB/DC opening their eyes a little more.
Originally posted by The Kid Lantern View PostI'll go ahead and say this now... had GL only had a single villain and more alien GL's with voice actors showcased like Ch'p, Morro, etc... the GL movie would've done a lot better. GotG proves that even C-listers can make for good movies and I hope it has WB/DC opening their eyes a little more.
you can put all the cgi you want in gl charachter wise and with cambell still directing it still wouldve sucked.Last edited by TazzMission; 08-02-2014, 04:32 PM................................................... ..........................
Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense
i was thinking about the sequel lastnight and these are just some of the charachters id love to see
new guardians
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Am I the only that doesn't like Thanos' armor design?
I hate his helmetLast edited by Booster Beetle; 08-03-2014, 02:37 AM.
I'm too lazy to look back at old reactions but hopefully everyone agrees that Karen Gillen overacted the Nebula role. During the Ronan/Thanos scene she just walked into the shot so animated and I was just like "How did that make final cut?" I hated everything she did and was so happy when she fly away.
Drax should have had another fight scene where he actually got to destroy some people. Even his great moment with Nebula turned out to be nothing. Poor guy has a better nickname than skill.
Originally posted by W.West View PostI'm too lazy to look back at old reactions but hopefully everyone agrees that Karen Gillen overacted the Nebula role. During the Ronan/Thanos scene she just walked into the shot so animated and I was just like "How did that make final cut?" I hated everything she did and was so happy when she fly away.
Drax should have had another fight scene where he actually got to destroy some people. Even his great moment with Nebula turned out to be nothing. Poor guy has a better nickname than skill................................................... ..........................
Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense
Villain Draft 3: Fourth Place Winner
September 11, 2001; January 6, 2021; February 13, 2021
So, has Tazer seen this yet? I'm almost as interested to see his reaction as I am to see the movie. They've both had about the same amount of build-up here.
i know itll never happen but i would like to see fantomex in gotg movie and comic wise
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