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The Ethan Van Sciver Talk Back thread

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  • Feliz Cumpleaņos Ethan!!
    I Make my Own T-Shirts




      • Happy B-day Ethan.


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          • Happy B-Day!


            • Happy birthday, big guy!
              Villain Draft 3: Fourth Place Winner

              September 11, 2001; January 6, 2021; February 13, 2021


              • Happy Birthday Ethan!!


                • Happy... Late Birthday!!!
                  god damnit
                  -His Divine Majesty King Groot the 23rd, Monarch of Planet X, custodian of the branch worlds, ruler of all he shades, flora colossus.


                  • Hey Ethan, was wondering. I know geoff is coordinating with other writers on all the Tie-in books, but I was wondering who was doing all the character designs for the Black Lantern costumes? A lot of them are very imaginative, like BL Firestorm. They rock, the way the BL emblem has been incorporated into some of the previous cotumes.


                    • Where to start? Well, I don't post here too often but someone pointed me in the direction of the green light this forum glowed with, and, well, here I am occasionally. Stumbled upon this thread, and read the first 13 pages solid.........cheated, and jumped to the 40th-forth, (will play catch up when time allows.)

                      What an awesome thing for you to do - indulge all of us fans! Can't say I've met many other artists or writers from the comic or movie industry, (had a chance to chat some with Joss Whedon while he was up here in Vancouver working on a film, ran into him at a wrap-party and brain-farted on my only question I really wanted to ask him: About how he caught his break for getting his writing to the 'right' people, and if he'd ever consider giving my work a look-see........).....but, I guess what I'm trying to get at here is: it's truely awesome - yes, look up the definition of awesome people, - to see a man with so much talent and skill not let it all go to his head, (as I've heard some others do,) and humble us, his fans, with answers to even our most fickle questions.

                      I first got into 'comics' around '93, but it was the Marvel Super Heroes RPG game by TSR that first hooked me. Never really read much comic wise even then, (just a little Hulk2099, and the Infinity Crusade,) but fast forward to when Marvel Civil War was just about to hit, and my cousin, then 13, suggested I start reading. I was pretty Marvel biased, but I saw that The Sinestro Corps special was upcoming, and it looked beautiful. I thought to myself - this seems like a great time to jump into DC, not even knowing much of anything about Green Lantern at that point.

                      Ever since I 1st picked up that issue, I have never looked back - my love for GL was born that day, and feverently grew each new issue. It took a while since all my LCS had sold out of back issues and TPB's, but I managed to track down Rebirth - and I thirstily drank up each page in that book! So much so in fact, that between the artwork in Rebirth, and the artwork in the Sinestro Corps special - I have begun quite the commitment, and expression of my love for all that GL embodies: getting a 'quarter panel' worth of work tattooed on my right side, (from wrist all the way up the arm, and onto my chest and shoulder.)

                      The sad thing: after much searching, and finding the perfect artist to transfer your work from page to skin - and only managing to get an hour's worth under the needle, my artist, Conway, out of Next in Vancouver, passed away from a battle with cancer on July 1st/09.

                      I am slated to get back in there, with a new artist to pick up where their friend had left off, On Oct 2nd/09 - a day after my 29th b-day.

                      EDIT - UPDATE:


                      I hope to share the images with you in the near future............since to me, it is vital that the work resembles your's as much as possible - your Sinestro oozes attitude and arrogance - and I love every bit of it. I want SO MUCH to try and fit in on my arm, but I know I can only fit so much......I am getting the limbless Cyborg Supes fromt he beginning of SC on my inner forearm, the GL symbol on my elbow will have the energy vapour coming off of it (just like your Spectre, from Rebirth second printing variant...where he's holding the lantern...sorry if I'm miss-numbering things.......) and I'll be having the Parallax entity nicely worked into the whole she-bang!

                      ....btw, you a fan of how the Sinestro fig turned out from DCD? I heavily prefer it to what DCUC put out there.

                      Also - are all the Blackest night figs from DCD to be based on your designs?

                      Are you a tad more pleased with how the Collect & Connect fig of Kilowog from DCUC series 11 turned out? I think the sculpt is killer! And I thought the DCD one was fairly slick to begin with.........

                      Anyways, hope all is well, and even though Vancouver has a Comic-Con once every few months, it's small, kinda sad really, since I'd love to meet you in person, and get a sketch done by ya - consider coming to our crappy comic con one day soon eh? I saw you made it to Calgary, but I couldn't make it myself.

                      As many others have already mentioned - don't ever stop drawing, and please stray back to GL as much as you can. Reis and Manke are talented don't get me wrong, but you take the cake sir!

                      I thank you in advance if you manage to read through all of my rambling, and I further thank YOU for opening my eyes to what greatness DC does have! I am now also an avid reader of Outsiders, and a few other choice titles - so glad I just got my hands on 52 Aftermath - The 4 Horsemen TPB - more awesome cover work by you!
                      Last edited by Guest; 10-07-2009, 10:11 PM.


                      • Hello Ethan, Great Job in the Flash Rebirth by the way.
                        Did you talk of Johnny Sorrow to Geoff ? And if yes, what did he say.
                        And Yelling at him for the Death appened in the last GLC. Lol !
                        Thank you.
                        Fatality's Blacksmith
                        Last edited by Slobo; 11-15-2009, 11:23 AM.


                        • hello ethan, been a while since we haven't heard from you.
                          happy thanks giving, by the way.

                          i never really read Flash, so i took the opportunity with the Rebirth to read it, and, yes!!! that it some great story, and, art!!!!!

                          any thing you can share about the last issue (with the little delay we are having.....??

                          any, spoiler??

                          hope to hear from you

                          ps: but do not take to much time to answer us, better you finish your pages than answering our questions LOL


                          • Ethan, first I would like to say that I'm a huge fan. I'm 17 and I want to become a comic artist, what I want to ask you is how did you come to find your art style and what should I do to go forth and become a comic book artist?


                            • Ethan, have you ever fought of doing a superman or guy parralax. a killawog parralax would be hilarious lol. oh and hi, its awsome to talk to a dc artist!!! (im new)


                              • oh yeqh, im 15 and wanting to become a writer for comics.

