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Green Lantern Sales Numbers

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  • Yep. Confidence from the Dark Knight. When that movie came out and made as much as it did, WB stepped back and got serious about comic movies as a source of revenue. And they needed it as the Harry Potter movies were wrapping up. GL was sold to them as the beginning of a new line of moneymajers for them.

    I really don't blame WB. Green Lantern COULD have been a big moneymaker. They just didn't make a good enough movie to get the audience they needed.


    • Originally posted by Big Daddy Dave Targaryen I View Post
      ...Bad word of mouth killed it. Most people that saw it once didn't want to see it again, and they told people who passed on it altogether.
      I saw it three times in theater and bought all the toys I could without doubling up. So, I did my part.


      • Anyhoo, I would rather see the actual comics get fixed so I can come back to them. A movie at this point isn't even a concern.

        I'm all for DC cancelling both of these titles, and launching one GOOD one titled Green Lantern starring Hal Jordan. Then six months later, launch a GOOD GLC title.


        • Originally posted by Space Cop View Post
          I saw it three times in theater and bought all the toys I could without doubling up. So, I did my part.
          Lol, can't say you aren't loyal to the Corps!


          • Originally posted by Big Daddy Dave Targaryen I View Post
            Anyhoo, I would rather see the actual comics get fixed so I can come back to them. A movie at this point isn't even a concern.

            I'm all for DC cancelling both of these titles, and launching one GOOD one titled Green Lantern starring Hal Jordan. Then six months later, launch a GOOD GLC title.
            But don't call it the GLC.


            • But that's what I want to buy.


              • Hal's comic has "the Green Lantern Corps" in it, and apparently people think it's a B title so they're snubbing it.


                • Originally posted by Big Daddy Dave Targaryen I View Post
                  That sounds ridiculous when you put it right out there like that. I get why DC replaced Martian Manhunter with Cyborg as the 7th founding JLA member, but was it worth it? It might have been better to just make J'Onn black, which is really what it was all for anyway.
                  I'm convinced that it was trying to get a DC version of Iron Man to connect with mainstream readers and audiences. I understand the idea, but it's obviously not working.

                  Originally posted by Trey Strain View Post
                  The GL movie wasn't the 11th biggest money loser of all time because its take at the box office was so bad. What made it a financial disaster was its outlandish budget for CGI. And that kind of presentation is far more infeasible for television.
                  The movie grossed $220M, but the production budget was $200M, and that doesn't even count the marketing budget.
                  I'm still trying to understand where that CGI budget went. I actually thought the visuals were fine in and of themselves, but not for what they cost. We saw Flash fight in Gorilla City and Grant Gustin was the only real part of several scenes. Then we saw the Flash Dynasty (one version, anyway) take on an army of CGI gorillas. How is that possible on a TV budget, but some glowing green props and some aliens aren't feasible? It wasn't the concept that blew up the budget, it was poor planning.

                  Originally posted by Space Cop View Post
                  I saw it three times in theater and bought all the toys I could without doubling up. So, I did my part.
                  As did I. I want a GLC movie for many reasons, but one is certainly for new Green Lantern collectibles.
                  Check out my Green Lantern product reviews on Twitter as the Emerald Enthusiast! @EmeraldEnthusi1


                  • Originally posted by Trey Strain View Post
                    But don't call it the GLC.
                    Originally posted by Big Daddy Dave Targaryen I View Post
                    But that's what I want to buy.
                    Originally posted by Trey Strain View Post
                    Hal's comic has "the Green Lantern Corps" in it, and apparently people think it's a B title so they're snubbing it.
                    On the contrary... I think it SHOULD be called GLC and not "Green Lantern Corps". Remember when Morrison came on to write the League and it was simply called JLA?

                    If DC is worried with making the franchise great then focus on the whole GLC and not just one Lantern. When the Corps is fixed, THEN let some of the individuals shine in other titles. Somebody needs a clear understanding of what the Corps needs to move forward, what needs to return, and what needs to be left behind for awhile. When the rest of the Batman line suffers TPTB don't change Batman, they change the scenery, the situations, and the characters involved in everything else. It won't do a Hal title any good if DC is still lost with what to do with the rest of the GLC.

                    John can't lead the Corps alone. The siding with the Sinestros and the idea of eventually making them GREEN Lanterns is ridiculous. Guy and Arkillo as BFF's is as lame as it sounds.



                    • Originally posted by Big Blue Lantern View Post
                      \ How is that possible on a TV budget, but some glowing green props and some aliens aren't feasible? It wasn't the concept that blew up the budget, it was poor planning.
                      Green Lantern's CGI budget alone was $54M, or $27M per hour. The Flash's TOTAL COST is $3M per episode.

                      If you know how to shoot ring constructs and alien gobbledy-gookers within a $3M total budget, then maybe you should open a CGI firm. Or better yet, just don't use that stuff in a GL television series, since the public isn't clamoring to see it.
                      Trey Strain
                      Guardian of the Universe
                      Last edited by Trey Strain; 05-18-2017, 09:36 AM.


                      • Originally posted by Trey Strain View Post
                        Green Lantern's CGI budget alone was $54M, or $27M per hour. The Flash's TOTAL COST is $3M per episode.

                        If you know how to shoot ring constructs and alien gobbledy-gookers within a $3M total budget, then maybe you should open a CGI firm. Or better yet, just don't use that stuff in a GL television series, since the public isn't clamoring to see it.
                        You mean like this...

                        Or something like this...

                        Or this...

                        Big Blue Lantern
                        Corps Honor Guard
                        Last edited by Big Blue Lantern; 05-18-2017, 10:56 AM.
                        Check out my Green Lantern product reviews on Twitter as the Emerald Enthusiast! @EmeraldEnthusi1


                        • Green Lantern had more than 2,000 special effects. Imposing blurs over images and making prosthetic masks in The Flash is not comparable.

                          You can argue with me, but you can't argue with the numbers. You should explain to DC how they can make a GL television series on the cheap with kewl ring constructs and hordes of aliens that nobody wants to see anyway. They'd love to have their eyes opened about it.

                          John Q. Public is not a longtime comics fanboy and habitue of comics message boards. He won't watch a few well-written episodes of a GL series and then say, "Well, shit. There ain't no ring constructs or gobbledy-gookers in that, so I ain't gonna watch it any more."
                          Trey Strain
                          Guardian of the Universe
                          Last edited by Trey Strain; 05-18-2017, 12:19 PM.


                          • He's just pushing his 'no constructs' argument, nothing more. You can give him episode by episode special effects budgets and he wouldn't bother reading any of it.

                            I'd say the whole 4 part crossover used less $$$ for special effects than just the first hour of the GL film. Trey insists he knows everything about comics, tv, movies, and marketing though so... LOL



                            • Here's how volume 5 compares to the two current series (I don't think either title qualifies as an official volume 6)

                              Green Lantern 1 $2.99 DC 141,682 [169,159]
                              Green Lantern 2 $2.99 DC 142,344
                              4 Green Lantern 3 $2.99 DC 122,644
                              Green Lantern 4 $2.99 DC 104,199
                              Green Lantern 5 $2.99 DC 97,878
                              Green Lantern 6 $2.99 DC
                              7 Green Lantern 7 $2.99 DC 90,232
                              Green Lantern 8 $2.99 DC
                              10 Green Lantern 9 $2.99 DC 87,601
                              14 Green Lantern 10 $2.99 DC 80,615
                              9 Green Lantern 11 $2.99 DC 78,708
                              9 Green Lantern 12 $2.99 DC 77,187
                              4 Green Lantern 0 $2.99 DC 89,909
                              6 Green Lantern 13 $2.99 DC 91,814
                              16 Green Lantern 14 $2.99 DC 78,499
                              16 Green Lantern 15 $2.99 DC 74,363
                              16 Green Lantern 16 $2.99 DC 72,884
                              17 Green Lantern 17 $2.99 DC 71,060
                              19 Green Lantern 18 $2.99 DC 69,801
                              21 Green Lantern 19 $2.99 DC 71,018
                              19 Green Lantern 20 $7.99 DC 67,414
                              18 Green Lantern 21 $2.99 DC 71,870
                              22 Green Lantern 22 $2.99 DC 62,415
                              20 Green Lantern 23 $2.99 DC 59,176
                              Green Lantern 23.1-4 (standard and special covers total) 253,264
                              26 Green Lantern 24 $2.99 DC 57,109
                              25 Green Lantern 25 $2.99 DC 54,322
                              31 Green Lantern 26 $2.99 DC 51,420
                              26 Green Lantern 27 $2.99 DC 48,831
                              25 Green Lantern Red Lanterns 28 $2.99 DC 49,200
                              31 Green Lantern 29 $2.99 DC 45,797
                              39 Green Lantern 30 $2.99 DC 44,483
                              39 Green Lantern 31 $2.99 DC 43,769
                              20 Green Lantern 32 $2.99 DC 56,315
                              48 Green Lantern 33 $2.99 DC 47,279
                              34 Green Lantern 34 $2.99 DC 43,846
                              15. Green Lantern Futures End - 77,372
                              54 Green Lantern 35 $2.99 DC 45,893
                              38 Green Lantern 36 $2.99 DC 46,157
                              38 GREEN LANTERN #37 -- 44,033
                              35 Green Lantern 38 $2.99 DC 39,342
                              38 Green Lantern 39 $2.99 DC 41,997
                              37 Green Lantern 40 $2.99 DC 42,334
                              47 Green Lantern 41 $3.99 DC 45,704
                              51 Green Lantern 42 $3.99 DC 39,290
                              35 GREEN LANTERN #43 $3.99 DC 42,482
                              35 Green Lantern 44 $3.99 DC 39,371
                              55 Green Lantern 45 $3.99 DC 38,406
                              62 Green Lantern 46 $3.99 DC 38,976
                              51 GREEN LANTERN #47 $3.99 DC 45,706
                              49 Green Lantern 48 36,068
                              50 Green Lantern 49 $3.99 DC 35,237
                              47 Green Lantern 50 $4.99 DC 36,242
                              57 Green Lantern 51 $3.99 DC 32,862
                              54 Green Lantern 52 $3.99 DC 32,936

                              33 Sinestro 1 $2.99 DC 46,480
                              60 Sinestro 2 $2.99 DC 34,640
                              72 Sinestro 3 $2.99 DC 30,422
                              102 Sinestro 4 $2.99 DC 28,095
                              82 Sinestro 5 $2.99 DC 26,867
                              42. Sinestro Futures End - 60,761
                              87 Sinestro 6 $2.99 DC 33,621
                              62 SINESTRO #7 -- 33,549
                              75 SINESTRO #8 -- 31,509
                              78 Sinestro 9 $2.99 DC 26,346
                              77 Sinestro 10 $2.99 DC 28,698
                              78 Sinestro 11 $2.99 DC 28,384
                              91 Sinestro 12 $2.99 DC 28,848
                              113 Sinestro 13 $2.99 DC 23,044
                              90 SINESTRO #14 $2.99 DC 25,505
                              101 Sinestro 15 $2.99 DC 22,090
                              98 Sinestro 16 $2.99 DC 23,179
                              111 Sinestro 17 $2.99 DC 22,331
                              151 SINESTRO #18 $2.99 DC 17,189
                              112 Sinestro 19 20,535
                              106 Sinestro 20 $2.99 DC 20,199
                              125 Sinestro 21 $2.99 DC 15,928
                              114 Sinestro 22 $2.99 DC 18,191
                              135 Sinestro 23 $2.99 DC 15,430

                              Originally posted by Big Daddy Dave Targaryen I View Post
                              10 Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps Rebirth 1 $2.99 DC 113,965
                              11 Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps 1 $2.99 DC 108,708
                              28 Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps 2 $2.99 DC 77,972
                              42 Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps 3 $2.99 DC 64,737
                              41 Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps 4 $2.99 DC 54,815
                              46 Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps 5 $2.99 DC 50,935
                              49 Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps 6 $2.99 DC 49,988
                              53 Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps 7 $2.99 DC 48,064
                              51 Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps 8 $2.99 DC 45,194
                              55 Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps 9 $2.99 DC 43,485
                              54 Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps 10 $2.99 DC 41,234
                              57 Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps 11 $2.99 DC 40,111
                              60 Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps 12 $2.99 DC 39,148
                              63 Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps 13 $2.99 DC 38,053
                              52 Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps 14 $2.99 DC 37,504
                              57 Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps 15 $2.99 DC 36,331
                              58 Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps 16 $2.99 DC 35,996
                              61 Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps 17 $2.99 DC 35,205
                              59 Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps 18 $2.99 DC 34,507
                              61 Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps 19 $2.99 DC 34,140


                              12 Green Lanterns Rebirth 1 $2.99 DC 99,504
                              18 Green Lanterns 1 $2.99 DC 84,910
                              28 Green Lanterns 2 $2.99 DC 82,062
                              29 Green Lanterns 3 $2.99 DC 78,708
                              37 Green Lanterns 4 $2.99 DC 71,140
                              44 Green Lanterns 5 $2.99 DC 64,252
                              36 Green Lanterns 6 $2.99 DC 58,346
                              38 Green Lanterns 7 $2.99 DC 55,367
                              47 Green Lanterns 8 $2.99 DC 52,025
                              50 Green Lanterns 9 $2.99 DC 49,434
                              50 Green Lanterns 10 $2.99 DC 46,306
                              53 Green Lanterns 11 $2.99 DC 44,703
                              51 Green Lanterns 12 $2.99 DC 42,241
                              55 Green Lanterns 13 $2.99 DC 41,090
                              59 Green Lanterns 14 $2.99 DC 39,854
                              62 Green Lanterns 15 $2.99 DC 38,571
                              50 Green Lanterns 16 $2.99 DC 37,845
                              54 Green Lanterns 17 $2.99 DC 36,626
                              59 Green Lanterns 18 $2.99 DC 35,824
                              60 Green Lanterns 19 $2.99 DC 35,368
                              60 Green Lanterns 20 $2.99 DC 34,224
                              63 Green Lanterns 21 $2.99 DC 33,556


                              100 Planet of the Apes Green Lantern 1 $3.99 Boom 22,712
                              143 Planet of the Apes Green Lantern 2 $3.99 Boom 16,203
                              149 Planet of the Apes Green Lantern 3 $3.99 Boom 13,734


                              116 Star Trek Green Lantern Vol. 2 1 $3.99 IDW 20,853
                              156 Star Trek Green Lantern Vol. 2 2 $3.99 IDW 15,595
                              155 Star Trek Green Lantern Vol. 2 3 $3.99 IDW 14,526
                              167 Star Trek Green Lantern Vol. 2 4 $3.99 IDW 13,643
                              158 Star Trek Green Lantern Vol. 2 5 $3.99 IDW 12,988


                              97 Green Lantern Space Ghost Special 1 $4.99 DC 25,149
                              Both HJ&TGLC and GLs are within a few hundred copies of where GL vol 5 was when DC cancelled it. We aren't even one year into Rebirth, and the sales are about to be lower before we get to that one year mark. Comparatively, both titles are faring MUCH better than the last surviving GL vol 5 spinoff, Sinestro, which was at 15k by the time it's mercy killing came. So there's good and bad news in the Rebirth relaunch by DC in having ONE of the two titles carry stronger sales.


                              • Originally posted by Big Daddy Dave Targaryen I View Post

                                Both HJ&TGLC and GLs are within a few hundred copies of where GL vol 5 was when DC cancelled it. We aren't even one year into Rebirth, and the sales are about to be lower before we get to that one year mark. Comparatively, both titles are faring MUCH better than the last surviving GL vol 5 spinoff, Sinestro, which was at 15k by the time it's mercy killing came. So there's good and bad news in the Rebirth relaunch by DC in having ONE of the two titles carry stronger sales.
                                Not only that, but this decline occurred about two and a half times faster than the previous one. It's been calamitous.

                                Sinestro's comic was a bad idea anyway. Geoff loves the character, but almost nobody else does.

                                Sinestro depicted as an army general and protagonist, the creaton of an emotional spectrum, the junking of the Guardians with Hal and John running the Corps, and the addition of Baz and Cruz as Earth Lanterns have crashed and burned. Decisively. With all due respect to Geoff, all of these were his ideas.

                                Just tap out and reboot it, DC.
                                Trey Strain
                                Guardian of the Universe
                                Last edited by Trey Strain; 05-18-2017, 04:43 PM.

