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    Fatality's Blacksmith

  • Archrival
    Originally posted by The Kid Lantern

    And a new Blue Kyle...

    Now do Indigo Tribe John stewart!

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  • Guest

  • Shingo Wol
    Guest replied
    Nice work Kid.

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  • d3v1lb0y
    Red Lantern Black Ops

  • d3v1lb0y
    now that's a cool BL Kyle

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  • Ωmega Man
    Guardian of the Universe

  • Ωmega Man
    Micros from a new 1 x 1 RPG involving Luke Cage and Iron Fist, sorta like a lost chapter from Spiderman Web of Shadows.

    And the symbioted person they'll be facing, the Punisher!


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  • Ωmega Man
    Guardian of the Universe

  • Ωmega Man
    Edited him a bit but he's saved on a white background instead of black.


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  • Ωmega Man
    Guardian of the Universe

  • Ωmega Man
    Most of my bases are still on my old computer in storage. But if I have time I *guess* I can do one over the weekend if time presents itself. I'm 5 minutes away from Bristol Motor Speedway and it's race weekend, so things are kinda hectic right now....

    But I did squeeze in another Batman Inc character last night before bed, Nightrunner....

    Ωmega Man
    Guardian of the Universe
    Last edited by Ωmega Man; 03-20-2011, 11:16 PM.

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  • d3v1lb0y
    Red Lantern Black Ops

  • d3v1lb0y
    Originally posted by d3v1lb0y View Post
    Kid Lantern, simply put YOU ROCK!
    really liking your Micros!!

    What can you do regarding a Red Lantern Black Ops guy *cough*me*cough*???
    You know wears a hood, goatee w/o mustache, red ring on the lef hand *wink* *wink*
    sooooo.... How can I get my own micro???

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  • Ωmega Man
    Guardian of the Universe

  • Ωmega Man
    My latest obsession, Chief Man of Bats!


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  • Ωmega Man
    Guardian of the Universe

  • Ωmega Man
    I'd need some reference! But I'll give it a shot when the time presents itself....


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  • Koonhan
    hmmmmmm... can you do a joker for me like from TDK that would be pretty darn awesome. I'd try and return the favour somehow too.

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  • Ωmega Man
    Guardian of the Universe

  • Ωmega Man
    Really? None of that stuff catch your eyes enough to give me some feedback? Here's some more new stuff on the RPG board I'm starting a superhero revolution on....

    From a Space Ghost RP that didn't get off the ground:

    From a Project: Batman Beyond RP I run, my future Bat-clone and new Red Robin....

    An Ice Ninja for my nephew:

    And a reforming super villain sig I made for a character loosely based on the Impossibles hero of the same name:


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  • Ωmega Man
    Guardian of the Universe

  • Ωmega Man
    Another new suit I came up with. Looked cool on paper....

    And here's a cast of characters in the backdrop on an original Teen Titans rpg I run on another site. My character Nightstar is in the front.

    We even have fallen Titans statues in the T Tower [a remodeled "Timmy's Toy World" building LOL]....

    Deadpool for everybody who thinks I hate Marvel!

    ...and some cyber-ninja character somebody sent a request for.

    Ωmega Man
    Guardian of the Universe
    Last edited by Ωmega Man; 02-11-2011, 05:16 AM.

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  • Kuhan

  • Kuhan
    lol I was just kidding around. but yeah, I turn 18 soon, so

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  • d3v1lb0y
    Red Lantern Black Ops

  • d3v1lb0y
    Kid Lantern, simply put YOU ROCK!
    really liking your Micros!!

    What can you do regarding a Red Lantern Black Ops guy *cough*me*cough*???
    You know wears a hood, goatee w/o mustache, red ring on the lef hand *wink* *wink*

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  • Ωmega Man
    Guardian of the Universe

  • Ωmega Man
    With what, me being in my 20's or big K here saying he made them when he was 15?

    I was just making reference to him signing up for my RPG earlier this year and already having a micro made [who's costume he even changed a little over time].


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