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The Hal and Arisia thing.

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Andrew NDB View Post
    I'd agree it was kind of necessary if Arisia was to be reintroduced into modern GL comics... but the way Geoff did it was just sooo on-the-nose and clumsy. He only even bothered to include her because he was well aware that "Hal used to be a pedophile!" was going to be a big, ongoing (and valid) blight against the character were things to move forward with Hal as planned and that it needed to be fixed. How do I know this? For starters, how about the fact that as soon as Hal was exonerated via his retcon that Arisia is suddenly 5 million years old or whatever, you never see the character again in GL? Not even to reconcile (as friends, even) with Hal, not even one scene? Not enough? How about the fact that her very presence in the "Lost Lanterns" arc is haphazard, at best? I mean, let me get this straight... she wasn't a lost Lantern, she died on Earth long after she'd even wielded a ring... and the Manhunters honestly bothered to dig her up there and drag her to Biot? Why? For what purpose?

    That always kind of bothered me, because Hal seemed to be a huge part in Arisia's life .. he was her first love, really, and she was a big relationship for him. It's ridiculous that they haven't had a reconciliation or any sort of resolution at all ... but then again a lot of the "ex" relationships of the Lanterns are handled crappily.

    It just seems like this one is handled extra crappy.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Dr. Naysay View Post
      Except for one tiny detail...

      She's handed "the most powerful weapon in the Universe" and entrusted to protect an entire sector.


      She can be a Green Lantern.... make life or death decisions for potentially billions of organisms.... but she can't sleep with Hal Jordan because she's two or three years too young?


      If there's grass on the Spaceballfield play Spaceball.

      I think you know this from talking to me, and it might be the culture I've been raised in or my annoying anthropological musings, but I really am not that bothered by age difference in certain contexts. This scifi context is one of them.

      However it is the quality of the relationship in volume 3 and the handling afterward by Johns that bothers me. Lame lame lame! I think Arisia is by far Hals' most interesting relationship to date and still has the potential to be if he has a guilt complex with her.


      • #18
        I haven't read Hal and Arisia together but I don't get the whole 'age taboo' at all.

        It's fiction, not real life, and if the character is presented in a way a relationship with an older character has some meaning, I see no reason it should be avoided just not to raise 'scandal' in the audience. I read and write huge age gap stuff all the time.

        @DrNaysay - very good point about the power ring.


        • #19
          Originally Posted by Andrew NDB
          I'd agree it was kind of necessary if Arisia was to be reintroduced into modern GL comics... but the way Geoff did it was just sooo on-the-nose and clumsy. He only even bothered to include her because he was well aware that "Hal used to be a pedophile!" was going to be a big, ongoing (and valid) blight against the character were things to move forward with Hal as planned and that it needed to be fixed. How do I know this? For starters, how about the fact that as soon as Hal was exonerated via his retcon that Arisia is suddenly 5 million years old or whatever, you never see the character again in GL? Not even to reconcile (as friends, even) with Hal, not even one scene? Not enough? How about the fact that her very presence in the "Lost Lanterns" arc is haphazard, at best? I mean, let me get this straight... she wasn't a lost Lantern, she died on Earth long after she'd even wielded a ring... and the Manhunters honestly bothered to dig her up there and drag her to Biot? Why? For what purpose?
          I don't care why, all I know is that it fixed something that needed to be fixed and it brought back a great character that was a win/win for me as a GL fan. We get the whole Hal/Arisia relationship think fixed and we get Arisia back in the corps, I get people like to complain on here but honestly what is the problem?.
          "If at first you don't succeed, try Kyle again!".


          • #20
            Originally posted by Raker616 View Post
            I don't care why, all I know is that it fixed something that needed to be fixed and it brought back a great character that was a win/win for me as a GL fan. We get the whole Hal/Arisia relationship think fixed and we get Arisia back in the corps, I get people like to complain on here but honestly what is the problem?.
            Well ... it was clumsy, as Andrew pointed out. And pointless, since he's never used Arisia.

            My beef is that it made her 240 years old with the mental development of a child. Seriously, how long does it take anyone to mentally mature on her planet? 240 years of life and she's still a dewey eyed, nieve girl? It's a bad retcon. I just can't really buy it.

            Although this is a small beef with me. I try to ignore every wiki that states this retcon and enjoy her in GLC.
            Last edited by Gauntlet101010; 06-16-2010, 11:19 PM.


            • #21
              ... just to play devils advocate here... in the past and STILL TODAY in certain countries... men marry 13 year old women and do " the sex " ....

              i'm JUST sayin...

              Team Cyclops !!! ...Screw Wolverine.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Jay Burg View Post
                ... just to play devils advocate here... in the past and STILL TODAY in certain countries... men marry 13 year old women and do " the sex " ....

                i'm JUST sayin...
                ...and even in Alabama.


                • #23
                  (As Hal is driving to work)

                  In lonely day, in lonesome night
                  With Carol all we do is fight
                  For those who think Cowgirl's Miss Right
                  Off to the tower, with Arisia all night!

                  (Crashes his car on the trainwreck that was that little verse)


                  • #24
                    This is a fair warning for everyone. Every time someone drags this subject back up, I'm going to start a thread called "You'll have to do..."

                    And the new thread will have that same title every time I do it.

                    You have been warned.

                    M<eanwhile, anybody who has an issue with this can e-mail Steve Englehart, the man who wrote the story over TWENTY FUCKING YEARS AGO...
                    Trey Strain
                    Guardian of the Universe
                    Last edited by Trey Strain; 06-17-2010, 10:15 PM.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Spy Smasher View Post
                      This is a fair warning for everyone. Every time someone drags this subject back up, I'm going to start a thread called "You'll have to do..."

                      And the new thread will have that same title every time I do it.

                      You have been warned.

                      M<eanwhile, anybody who has an issue with this can e-mail Steve Englehart, the man who wrote the story over TWENTY FUCKING YEARS AGO...
                      I don't think anyone's really bringing this up to be a "LOL HAL IS A PEDOPHILE" meme, but okay ... I get that we can't discuss redundant subjects on these boards, even though that's all that's ever done here, really.


                      • #26
                        There's an element of maliciousness in people dragging this up again and again after so many years have passed. Geoff is sensitive to trolling against Hal, so he wrote a retcon to stop the trolling. But his retcon had no effect on some people, obviously.

                        I just wish Geoff were half as sensitive to the trolling against Guy.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Spy Smasher View Post
                          There's an element of maliciousness in people dragging this up again and again after so many years have passed. Geoff is sensitive to trolling against Hal, so he wrote a retcon to stop the trolling. But his retcon had no effect on some people, obviously.

                          I just wish Geoff were half as sensitive to the trolling against Guy.
                          I honestly didn't mean to have this be trolling against Hal. To be honest, I have no issue with the Hal and Arisia relationship's age gap (Yeah, I know, I'm a dirty woman or something, but it's scifi) and I actually wish they would develop a reconciliation because I think they'd have interesting interaction to this day.

                          I didn't even know people trolled Guy! I thought he was universally adored and all of his messy spots in history were forgotten.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by missferris View Post
                            I didn't even know people trolled Guy! I thought he was universally adored and all of his messy spots in history were forgotten.
                            Same here. I never liked the character until now, but that was only due to Tomasi writing him well in GLC.
                            The last fan of 1990s comics
                            Read my Green Lantern blog The Indigo Tribe


                            • #29
                              Just because Arisia is 240 Earth years old doesn't mean she isn't jailbait.Biologically and mentally,she's still a teen(at least mentally).It's like how while a cat would think 17 years is a long time and you'd be very old,for humans you aren't even an adult yet.Hal should be dating people that aren't biological teenagers,or their society may think he's a pedo/cougar/creepy


                              • #30
                                Actually it's nothing like that at all.
                                "If at first you don't succeed, try Kyle again!".

