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Last film you saw, vol. 6

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  • Rampage (2018)

    "Of course the wolf can fly."


    • Leviathan (1989)

      Martin: I realize you must have gone through hell.

      Justin Jones: Gone? Bitch, we're still here!

      Good flick, even though it bombed at the box office back in the day. I think the worst thing going for it was the soundtrack. It was too "happy and peppy" to set a proper tone for what was really going on. The actors were top notch, though. It never pretended to be anything other than Aliens underwater, just as a slew of other flicks did around the same time. I still have fond memories of it, though.


      • All Good Things (2010)

        "I've never been closer to anyone, and I don't know you at all."

        Millions (2004)

        "I thought it was from God. Who else would have that kind of money?"

        One of Boyle's movies between Trainspotting and Slumdog Millionaire and probably his sweetest/most family friendly all together.

        As Britain nears (fictional) switching to Euros, a boy who recently lost his mother and who sees visions of saints comes across 200,000+ pounds and wants to give it to good causes. Trouble (including the man who actually stole it) follows. Very good.

        Originally posted by Jeff View Post
        Leviathan (1989) . . .
        I remember liking that, but it's been years. Need to see it again.
        Space Cop
        The Dandy
        Last edited by Space Cop; 04-26-2018, 12:58 AM.


        • Deep star Six (1989)

          Low level entry here. Good for passing time, and a few interesting scenes, but overall, lackluster. The beast in question was kinda silly; for something that knocked over several large structures underwater, it was unusually small. Small enough to get into the main habitat of the Navy Seals. Produced and directed by the F13 grand daddy, Sean Cunningham, I would have expected a bit more, but I don't think his ambitions made it into the deep sea from Crystal Lake.


          • Jerry Maguire (1996)

            "Romeo under the balcony is a stalker?"

            Mandroid (1993)

            "Mr. American Scientist, end of the road!"

            Originally posted by Jeff View Post
            Deep star Six (1989) . . . Low level entry here. Good for passing time...
            Ferrer is probably the best part of that movie. The day before I met Sean Cunningham I watched that again with the fam and when I did see him we mentioned it, but then he asked where we saw it and I think he was disappointed that I said Netflix (as opposed to hanging on to the old VHS or something).
            Space Cop
            The Dandy
            Last edited by Space Cop; 05-03-2018, 03:30 PM.


            • My review of Isle of Dogs.



              • The Big Lebowski (1998)

                "I don't see any connection to Vietnam, Walter."

                Wolf Warrior (2015)

                "Every beautiful place has a story."


                • I, Tonya (2017)


                  • Enjoyed this a lot more then I expected to. It's really creative, and I like the worlds it builds, and there are even some legit funny moments, plus Desplat score is great, and works wonders in the film.

                    Unfortunately the leads chemistry is not particularly good, and it takes the film down a notch or two for me. DeHaan in particular was quite poor, while Delevingne was alright, but still a bit stiff, though I suppose it could be worse. Clive Owen was also pretty good as the generic "sergeant villain". Not bad, but then again I tend to enjoy sci-fi fantasy adventure box office bombs, usually anyway.


                    • The Night Evelyn Came Out of the Grave (1971)

                      "How about a drink, old boy? Aren't you thirsty?
                      -No, not really, but I'll have a drink just the same."

                      Speed Racer (2008)

                      "Pancakes are love."

                      For the tenth anniversary of this (imho) underrated live-action adaptation.

                      I really liked this spaghetti western. I knew the theme from this was used in Kill Bill, but I didn't realize how much other influence there was including the motif of having a color/flashback/music-sting when the revenger sees his family's killers. That killing has several similarities to the O-Ren anime.

                      Originally posted by Mister.Weirdo View Post
                      [Valerian (2017)] ... Enjoyed this a lot more then I expected to. It's really creative, and I like the worlds it builds, and there are even some legit funny moments, plus Desplat score is great ...
                      Yeah, I liked Valerian and will buy it some day (probably not at full price), but I was disappointed. I wanted to love it so much because I know how important/influential the property was to Luc Besson.

                      Originally posted by Mister.Weirdo View Post
                      [Valerian (2017)] ... Unfortunately the leads chemistry is not particularly good, and it takes the film down a notch or two for me. . .
                      Yeah, I think that's the biggest problem. The whole conceit seems to be that the couple is destined for each other and that they are a romance for the ages but I felt like I didn't even want them to get together.

                      I thought Rihanna was really good as Bubble and I say that as someone who doesn't really know anything about her nor could I name a single song she sings. But Bubble was the story I most wanted to follow.
                      Space Cop
                      The Dandy
                      Last edited by Space Cop; 05-15-2018, 12:35 PM.


                      • saw Infinity War last night ............................... wow just wow

                        IonFan says

                        MAGA then, MAGA now, MAGA FOREVER


                        • Colossal (2016)

                          "Keep it cool. These people are looking at us.
                          -Hi. She's the monster; I'm the robot."

                          Death Rides a Horse (1967)

                          "Before anybody kills me they got to get my okay. And I don't think I'll give it to 'em."
                          Space Cop
                          The Dandy
                          Last edited by Space Cop; 05-14-2018, 01:53 PM.


                          • Holy fuck this movie, I was in awe of what I just saw. Thanos was a fantastic villain, most of the humor was hilarious, and it's rare to see a superhero film get me so emotional and teary-eyed by the end. Still processing it, but I'm pretty sure it'll at least end up in my top five MCU films. It was that good.


                            • Trash cinema double feature for me tonight:

                              The Gruesome Twosome (1967)

                              "She seemed like such a nice old lady."

                              Pecker (1998)

                              "Pubic hair causes crime."


                              • Avengers: Infinity War (2018)

