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The Wrestling Thread Vol. 3

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  • Originally posted by Sylent_Asassin View Post
    What a great Wrestlemania! Even better that I was THERE!

    They did the right thing with Seth Rollins cashing in, although it was kind of odd that he would cash in MIB DURING the match. Usually, they wait for the current match to conclude before their music hits. Still, that was a great ending and Seth was able to get over while keeping Brock's "Beast" gimmick intact. Seeing Reigns getting rag-dolled throughout the match was HILARIOUS. .

    i think the reason why they made it a triple threat is because from what i heard people were booing reigns badly. i feel bad for the guy because just a year ago people were cheering him
    .................................................. ..........................

    Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


    • I thought that since Mania was running long, they made it a triple threat instead of waiting until the end.

      The fans at Levi's were merciless and on RR the whole match. You could have sworn that he was the heel. Not sure if you could hear the boos "reign" down from tv. I kind of felt bad for the guy too. He didn't really do anything wrong, and it wasn't his fault that they had the Rock come down during the Rumble match.


      • Originally posted by Sylent_Asassin View Post
        I thought that since Mania was running long, they made it a triple threat instead of waiting until the end.

        The fans at Levi's were merciless and on RR the whole match. You could have sworn that he was the heel. Not sure if you could hear the boos "reign" down from tv. I kind of felt bad for the guy too. He didn't really do anything wrong, and it wasn't his fault that they had the Rock come down during the Rumble match.
        a lot of people believe wwe muted the crowd when the boo's started if that is true thats one of the biggest fuck you's to the fans

        the way i look at it is rr is getting the cena hate wich he dosent deserve and wwe is basicly throwing him under the bus knowing how fans will react. honestly wwe's best bet is to have rr with heyman that way heyman can be his mouth piece like he is with brock

        despite what people think of rr the haters have to admit when shield broke up all 3 guys have done fantastic for themselves by going into singles competition
        .................................................. ..........................

        Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


        • Originally posted by Sylent_Asassin View Post
          I thought that since Mania was running long, they made it a triple threat instead of waiting until the end.

          The fans at Levi's were merciless and on RR the whole match. You could have sworn that he was the heel. Not sure if you could hear the boos "reign" down from tv. I kind of felt bad for the guy too. He didn't really do anything wrong, and it wasn't his fault that they had the Rock come down during the Rumble match.
          The Rock wasn't why they booed him at the Rumble. They booed him because his promos leading up to the Rumble were impressively SHIT and once Daniel Bryan, Dean Ambrose and Dolph Ziggler had been eliminated with little showing of effort, the writing was on the wall that this was a big Reigns push. WWE has flopped on the Rumble two years straight now.

          Anyway, no. Your boos at Wrestlemania came through loud and clear and I expected that. lol I was so giddy to watch Brock and they wrote the shit out of that match. It was highly entertaining. And you could tell even the crowd started to hate Reigns a lot less after all those kickouts. That's just good booking. This was the ending I wanted and I was completely surprised by it because of Brock's announced resigning. I loved it.

          It was a great Mania, despite the Rock/HHH angle going on a little long and the Wyatt/Taker match being weak. I don't think anyone one match was amazing but they were all entertaining enough to make a great night. We can all agree that the worst part was suffering through Kid Ink. I just wish the ladder match went a little longer. Seth definitely stole the night. That RKO was phenomenal and that final moment was just fun.


          • The Kid Ink / Skylar concert was the bathroom break for the entire stadium, apparently. Even the Men's room had a long line. LOL


            • I don't get why people are making such a big deal about Sting losing, it was the right booking move and Sting most likely thought so or he wouldn't have agreed to a contract.


              • Originally posted by Sylent_Asassin View Post
                The Kid Ink / Skylar concert was the bathroom break for the entire stadium, apparently. Even the Men's room had a long line. LOL
                vince sure knows how to fuck up not just a wrestling show but music talent as well
                .................................................. ..........................

                Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


                • Didn't see it, but did Sting lose cleanly? If so that was a mistake. Triple H should have cheated and won. That's something they've forgotten how to do. When Cena was utterly invincible for so long, some of his opponents -- in particular, Ric Flair -- should have cheated and beaten him, and taken the belt. But noooo, they couldn't even do that!

                  Re Reigns: They're just going to have to go with it and make him a heel. A few years from now, when the heat is off, they can switch him back. It's like when Vince screwed Bret Hart in Montreal and people were booing him out of the arenas. Vince was smart about it and just became a heel.

                  As Mick Foley said, people didn't boo Reigns because they hated him, or even because he won that event. They booed him because they guys they liked lost so UNCEREMONIOUSLY. Those wrestlers were treated with disrespect simply to put Reigns over, and people understandably hated that.


                  • Originally posted by Booster Beetle View Post
                    I don't get why people are making such a big deal about Sting losing, it was the right booking move and Sting most likely thought so or he wouldn't have agreed to a contract.
                    you're young, and didn't really grow up in his era so I understand why you would think that. i dont think it was the right booking move as triple h will always book himself strong, his ego could've been put on the back burner for one moment that sting deserved.


                    • Originally posted by Foghorn Lantern View Post
                      Didn't see it, but did Sting lose cleanly? If so that was a mistake. Triple H should have cheated and won. That's something they've forgotten how to do.
                      He did cheat. It was glorious but then they shook hands which is the weird part.


                      • Originally posted by TazzMission View Post
                        vince sure knows how to fuck up not just a wrestling show but music talent as well
                        triple h and stephanie have more power than you think they do. espn did a special on them a few days ago, and vince wasn't featured at all. if you've seen beyond the mat, remember how vince was running everything backstage even what the announcers say? that's all triple h now.


                        • Originally posted by Foghorn Lantern View Post
                          Didn't see it, but did Sting lose cleanly?
                          HHH won with the sledgehammer, of course, and with the help of DX. The nWo (Hogan, Hall and Nash) came out to Sting's aid, but it wasn't enough. Even though I hated the outcome, it was a highly entertaining match.

                          What I love about Mania are all the cameo appearances.


                          • Originally posted by W.West View Post
                            He did cheat. It was glorious but then they shook hands which is the weird part.
                            which made no sense. you shake his hand out of respect then come out with that promo? that sting match was just a stepping stone to the match with the rock, and that is what i'm most pissed off about. triple h vs the rock wasn't the premiere rivalry during the attitude era anyway.


                            • Originally posted by Sylent_Asassin View Post
                              HHH won with the sledgehammer, of course, and with the help of DX. The nWo (Hogan, Hall and Nash) came out to Sting's aid, but it wasn't enough. Even though I hated the outcome, it was a highly entertaining match.

                              What I love about Mania are all the cameo appearances.
                              i thought the nwo coming out was dumb. especially since 2 of the 3 members are friends with hhh. i couldn't help but wonder why booker t or ric flair didn't get involved, since they wanted to do a wcw vs wwe moment.


                              • The HHH (McMahon/Helmsley faction) vs. Rock feud went WAY too long.

