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Last film you saw, vol. 6

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  • Originally posted by Agent Purple View Post
    Saw that in 3D with my dad, during its release. Pretty good film, and that nightmare scene was incredible.
    Yeah, it's fun. I wouldn't always want the more real-world approach, but in a sea of mythic movies, its a fun alternative.

    I also saw it in theater with at least one parent, but I can't remember if we went for the 3D or not.
    Space Cop
    The Dandy
    Last edited by Space Cop; 08-11-2021, 12:46 PM.


    • The only movie I've seen in its entirety in the post Avatar 3D wave was Green Lantern, and it was the third (and last time) time I went to see it in theaters. I got a headache from the 3D trailers at SDCC in 2010, so I avoided them until then, and the headache GL gave me has made me avoid them ever since.
      Do good. Be well. Make happy.


      • Hercules and the Lost Kingdom (1994)

        "How many of you brothers are there?"

        Originally posted by Parrylakks View Post
        The only movie I've seen in its entirety in the post Avatar 3D wave was Green Lantern, and it was the third (and last time) time I went to see it in theaters. I got a headache from the 3D trailers at SDCC in 2010, so I avoided them until then, and the headache GL gave me has made me avoid them ever since.
        They didn't quite give me a headache, but they did my stepfather. I never found wearing the glasses over the ones I have to wear comfortable, so I mostly avoided 3D. I think I also watched GL three times and one of them was probably 3D.
        Space Cop
        The Dandy
        Last edited by Space Cop; 08-11-2021, 12:56 AM.


        • Not a movie, but worth mentioning. This is legitimately the best Purge story I've seen thus far (which includes the original trilogy, and the prequel). It had a really great and full narrative with a lot of twists and turns. I'm excited to jump into the second season, now, and will probably see the new movie (The Forever Purge) when it comes out on home video. Such a surprisingly good franchise this has proven to be. So much more than the pointless action filled shock horror it seems to be at first glance.
          Do good. Be well. Make happy.


          • Marvel's What if.._.. Not to shabby
            .................................................. ..........................

            Cnn = constant nasuating nonsense


            • Originally posted by Parrylakks View Post

              Not a movie, but worth mentioning. This is legitimately the best Purge story I've seen thus far (which includes the original trilogy, and the prequel). It had a really great and full narrative with a lot of twists and turns. I'm excited to jump into the second season, now, and will probably see the new movie (The Forever Purge) when it comes out on home video. Such a surprisingly good franchise this has proven to be. So much more than the pointless action filled shock horror it seems to be at first glance.
              For myself, I can't get past that first glance. Plus the fact that I find the premise to be so ludicrous.


              • Beasts of the Southern Wild (2012)

                "I wanna be cohesive."


                Originally posted by Mister Ed View Post
                For myself, I can't get past that first glance. Plus the fact that I find the premise to be so ludicrous.
                I've only seen a couple and while I wouldn't call the franchise horror per se knowing that you don't like movies that even border on that, I wouldn't recommend it for you.
                Space Cop
                The Dandy
                Last edited by Space Cop; 08-12-2021, 02:52 AM.


                • Originally posted by Mister Ed View Post
                  For myself, I can't get past that first glance. Plus the fact that I find the premise to be so ludicrous.
                  I can understand the reluctance, especially if you don't generally like the genre, but I feel compelled to point out that the seemingly obvious premise is so far off what the franchise is actually about that it's kind of misleading. The Purge franchise is actually a vast morality play with hyper-political overtones encompassing the lives of many people on both sides of the line (those that purge, and those that don't). It's basically an exaggerated social commentary on the nation's desensitization towards violence, and the societal fantasy of being the good guy with the gun, with some serious condemnation of ultra capitalism influencing government policy thrown in. Much more than the simplistic 'all crime is legal, so have at it' idea that sits on the surface.
                  Do good. Be well. Make happy.


                  • Hercules and the Circle of Fire (1994)

                    "Who's the mighty Hercules going to help next?"

                    Originally posted by Parrylakks View Post
                    I can understand the reluctance, especially if you don't generally like the genre, but I feel compelled to point out that the seemingly obvious premise is so far off what the franchise is actually about that it's kind of misleading. The Purge franchise is actually a vast morality play with hyper-political overtones encompassing the lives of many people on both sides of the line (those that purge, and those that don't). It's basically an exaggerated social commentary on the nation's desensitization towards violence, and the societal fantasy of being the good guy with the gun, with some serious condemnation of ultra capitalism influencing government policy thrown in. Much more than the simplistic 'all crime is legal, so have at it' idea that sits on the surface.
                    Yeah, the parts I’ve seen remind me of Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery” or Lowry’s “The Giver.”
                    Space Cop
                    The Dandy
                    Last edited by Space Cop; 08-14-2021, 01:08 PM.


                    • Hellraiser (1987)

                      (Frank to Julia) "Nothing personal, Babe."

                      Hellbound: Hellraiser II

                      (Julia to Frank) "Nothing personal, Babe."

                      I like to re-watch these 2 every now and again because of the English production and sets, before the franchise moved to America and went downhill. Some of the effects are extremely dated, but there's no denying this was a new face in horror at the time. Fun fact: in the credits role for the first movie, Pinhead wasn't even called Pinhead. He was billed as Lead Cenobite. It was the Fandom that gave him the name Pinhead. (Just found that out last week). Everything about the first movie made sense except the dragon ending. To this day, I still don't get that or the grasshopper eating homeless guy's role in the overall picture. But really, when you think about the movie, the real villains were Frank and Julia. The Cenobites, and by extention the box were forces of punishment not to be triffled with.

                      I still do not totally understand the second movie, but some of the visuals were breath taking, especially the wide angle shots of the maze and Leviathan (the twirling thing in the sky I guess). Julia did full on bitch mode great, and certain people got their just desserts. Among the ideas I didn't get were Leviathan creating the Cenobite Dr. Channard *before* the Pinhead gang came to self realization and lost their edge in the showdown, and then Leviathan kills Channard? Leaves me to wonder if Leviathan was just fuckin around with everyone for the pleasure of it. Don't forget he also had Julia going around messin shit up, too. And what's the finality? Everyone ends up in a damn sculpture (except for Christy and the puzzle girl).

                      I did start to watch the 3rd movie, but fell asleep during the club scene.


                      • Predator (1987)

                        "If it bleeds, we can kill it."
                        Space Cop
                        The Dandy
                        Last edited by Space Cop; 08-14-2021, 01:07 PM.


                        • Sent my older sister a link to the Rifftrax of The Last Shark. She's in total bewilderment. I plan on talking my dad into watching the first few minutes either of that or their new ROTOR episode.
                          Villain Draft 3: Fourth Place Winner

                          September 11, 2001; January 6, 2021; February 13, 2021


                          • Hercules in the Underworld (1994)

                            "There's only one person in the world I'd do it for."
                            Space Cop
                            The Dandy
                            Last edited by Space Cop; 08-19-2021, 12:36 PM.


                            • Wait, is that the one where he's in Tartarus and tricks his old foes into fighting each other? I might have to watch that one again, it's been years.
                              Villain Draft 3: Fourth Place Winner

                              September 11, 2001; January 6, 2021; February 13, 2021


                              • Freddy vs. Jason (2003)

                                "Kurt, how many times do I have to tell you, man? I don't do checkers."

                                My horror friend came over for the 13th and we chose this one this time.

                                Originally posted by Agent Purple View Post
                                Wait, is that the one where he's in Tartarus and tricks his old foes into fighting each other? I might have to watch that one again, it's been years.
                                Yep, including the wrestler the Giant Gonzáles.[Big picture here.] All the movies, the series, and Xena are free on Tubi.

                                They actually get part of the myths right. Hercules did enter Hades (a couple times) and tamed Cerberus and his wife did get tricked by a centaur to give him a cursed cloak though they present the right wife (Deianara) as his first and not second wife. Still, fun.

